Letter 48: “Further reflection on your performance”
Composition – (noun) the act of combining parts or elements to form a whole
Self – (noun) a person or thing referred to with respect to complete individuality:
Representation – (noun) the act of representing
Portrait – (noun) a verbal picture or description, usually of a person
Depict – (verb) to represent or characterize in words; describe
Penumbra – (noun) a shadowy, indefinite, or marginal area
Halo – (noun) a geometric shape, usually in the form of a disk, circle, ring, or rayed structure, traditionally representing a radiant light around or above the head of a divine or sacred personage, an ancient or medieval monarch, etc.
Shadow – (noun) a hint or faint, indistinct image or idea; intimation
Silhouette – (noun) the outline or general shape of something
Self – (noun) a person or thing referred to with respect to complete individuality:
Representation – (noun) the act of representing
Portrait – (noun) a verbal picture or description, usually of a person
Depict – (verb) to represent or characterize in words; describe
Penumbra – (noun) a shadowy, indefinite, or marginal area
Halo – (noun) a geometric shape, usually in the form of a disk, circle, ring, or rayed structure, traditionally representing a radiant light around or above the head of a divine or sacred personage, an ancient or medieval monarch, etc.
Shadow – (noun) a hint or faint, indistinct image or idea; intimation
Silhouette – (noun) the outline or general shape of something
Letter 49: “Widening your range of caring”
Conversation – (noun) informal interchange of thoughts, information, etc., by spoken words; oral communication between persons; talk; colloquy
Position – (noun) mental attitude
Widen – (verb) to make or become wide or wider; broaden; expand
Range – (noun) the extent to which or the limits between which variation is possible
Care – (verb) to be concerned to solicitous
Position – (noun) mental attitude
Widen – (verb) to make or become wide or wider; broaden; expand
Range – (noun) the extent to which or the limits between which variation is possible
Care – (verb) to be concerned to solicitous
Letter 50: “Re-orienting one’s Vision: The Return”
Look – (noun) a visual search
Vision – (noun) the act or power of sensing with the eyes
Sight – (noun) the power or faculty of seeing
Return – (verb) to go or come back, as to a former place, position, or state
Site – (noun) a website
Reorient – (verb) to orient again or anew
Event – (noun) something that happens or is regarded as happening; an occurrence, especially one of some importance
Phenomenal – (adjective) highly extraordinary or prodigious
Form – (verb) a particular condition, character, or mode in which something appears
Domain – (noun) a field of action, thought, influence, etc.
Vision – (noun) the act or power of sensing with the eyes
Sight – (noun) the power or faculty of seeing
Return – (verb) to go or come back, as to a former place, position, or state
Site – (noun) a website
Reorient – (verb) to orient again or anew
Event – (noun) something that happens or is regarded as happening; an occurrence, especially one of some importance
Phenomenal – (adjective) highly extraordinary or prodigious
Form – (verb) a particular condition, character, or mode in which something appears
Domain – (noun) a field of action, thought, influence, etc.
Letter 51: “Recounting anecdotes and honoring lived experiences”
Anecdote – (noun) a short account of a particular incident or event, especially of an interesting or amusing nature.
Theorizing – (verb) to form a theory or theories
Recount – (verb) to relate or narrate
Honor – (verb) to regard with great respect
Experience – (noun) a particular instance of personally encountering or undergoing something
Theorizing – (verb) to form a theory or theories
Recount – (verb) to relate or narrate
Honor – (verb) to regard with great respect
Experience – (noun) a particular instance of personally encountering or undergoing something
Letter 52: “Constructing social memories (345)”
Synthesis – (noun) a complex whole formed by combining
Social – (verb) living or disposed to live in companionship with others or in a community, rather than in isolation
Memory – (noun) the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences.
Fragment – (noun) a part broken off or detached
Manifold – (adjective) of many kinds; numerous and varied
Unification – (noun) the state or condition of being unified
Construct – (verb) to build or form
Nascent – (adjective) beginning to exist or develop
Social – (verb) living or disposed to live in companionship with others or in a community, rather than in isolation
Memory – (noun) the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences.
Fragment – (noun) a part broken off or detached
Manifold – (adjective) of many kinds; numerous and varied
Unification – (noun) the state or condition of being unified
Construct – (verb) to build or form
Nascent – (adjective) beginning to exist or develop
Letter 53: “Cybernetics and your fishbowls”
Complex – (adjective) so intricate as to be hard to understand or deal with
Cybernetics – (noun) the study of human control functions and of mechanical and electronic systems designed to replace them, involving the application of statistical mechanics to communication engineering
Codify – (verb) to reduce to a code
Phenomenology – (noun) the study of phenomena
Cybernetics – (noun) the study of human control functions and of mechanical and electronic systems designed to replace them, involving the application of statistical mechanics to communication engineering
Codify – (verb) to reduce to a code
Phenomenology – (noun) the study of phenomena
Letter 54: “Please fact-check your virtual products in your fishbowls”
Abstract – (noun) a summary of a text, scientific article, document, speech, etc.; epitome
Evolution – (noun) any process of formation or growth
Emergence – (noun) the act or process of emerging
Appearance – (noun) the act or fact of appearing, as to the eye or mind or before the public
Evolution – (noun) any process of formation or growth
Emergence – (noun) the act or process of emerging
Appearance – (noun) the act or fact of appearing, as to the eye or mind or before the public
Letter 55: “Complex adaptive systems: the art of improvisation (345)”
Improvise – (verb) to compose and perform or deliver without previous preparation; extemporize
Art – (noun) skill in conducting any human activity
Complex – (noun) so intricate as to be hard to understand or deal with
Adaptive – (adjective) serving or able to adapt
System – (noun) an assemblage or combination of things or parts forming a complex or unitary whole
Art – (noun) skill in conducting any human activity
Complex – (noun) so intricate as to be hard to understand or deal with
Adaptive – (adjective) serving or able to adapt
System – (noun) an assemblage or combination of things or parts forming a complex or unitary whole
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- Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 17:14
Letter 57: It was good to see you again
LAYER: To form or come apart as layers; in depth
EVOKE:To give rise to; draw forth; produce
DIVERSE: Differing one from another:
IMAGE: A representation of the form of a person or object, such as a painting or photograph.
INTER-SUBJECTIVE: existing between conscious minds; shared by more than one conscious mind.
SPACE: a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied.
LAYER: To form or come apart as layers; in depth
EVOKE:To give rise to; draw forth; produce
DIVERSE: Differing one from another:
IMAGE: A representation of the form of a person or object, such as a painting or photograph.
INTER-SUBJECTIVE: existing between conscious minds; shared by more than one conscious mind.
SPACE: a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied.
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- Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 17:14
Letter 58: Selection, substitution, satisfaction (443)
SUBSTITUTION;the action of replacing someone or something with another person or thing.
ANEW;in a new or different and typically more positive way.
SATISFACTION; fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this.
PERFORMANCE;an act of staging or presenting a play, concert, or other form of entertainment.
AUDIENCE;the assembled spectators or listeners at a public event, such as a play, movie, concert, or meeting.
Letter 59: looking at ourselves again
LABYRINTH;a complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze
SUBSTITUTION;the action of replacing someone or something with another person or thing.
ANEW;in a new or different and typically more positive way.
SATISFACTION; fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this.
PERFORMANCE;an act of staging or presenting a play, concert, or other form of entertainment.
AUDIENCE;the assembled spectators or listeners at a public event, such as a play, movie, concert, or meeting.
Letter 59: looking at ourselves again
LABYRINTH;a complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze
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- Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 17:14
Letter 60:Relevance (443)
RELEVANCE;the quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate.
RELEVANCE;the quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate.
- Posts: 121
- Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 17:14
Letter 61: Relationships, not just parts (443)
SYMBIOTIC;A relationship of mutual benefit or dependence.
SYSTEM;A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole, especially:
PART;participle, a portion
CONNECT;to join or fasten together
RELATIONSHIP;. The condition or fact of being related; connection or association.
SYMBIOTIC;A relationship of mutual benefit or dependence.
SYSTEM;A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole, especially:
PART;participle, a portion
CONNECT;to join or fasten together
RELATIONSHIP;. The condition or fact of being related; connection or association.