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Posted: 17 Sep 2019, 10:24
by Nate48

- Catch 22 a paradoxical situation we cannot escape because of contradictory rules
-you need a job to get relevant experience then you cant get a job now.
- 100 people all working together on one thing has to be an integrated whole
-someone says something someone responds someone asks questions someone responds
-Fundamentally ideas don't come from one mind they arise in between us
- Most ideas come from a group of people making a mess out of something and playing with it
- when you ask an architect to make you a house he doesn't exactly know whats he's making before he starts
-you learn as you create
-don't try to think it all over don't make the plans in the visions
-start moving because you don't know where you're gonna end up

Re: Social meeting

Posted: 03 Oct 2019, 13:50
by Nate48
I was waiting in the library when Niklas arrived. He immediately struck me as a guy with a very calm and confident demeanor and he definitely exhibited it throughout our talk. The discussion was a little bit strained at first. I had the thought in the back of my mind that we had about 15 minutes to kill before Luke arrived. Luckily Luke arrived earlier than I though he would, and having a third person enter the dynamic really helped to kick up the conversation. Luke seems like a good conversationalist, and I feel like he helped Niklas and I relax and get more in tune with some actual conversation. We talked about each other’s interests like sports and music, but it was sort of like picking up a puzzle piece that looks like it would fit but then is slightly off when you try to put it in place. We all asked a lot of questions and tried to find some common ground with each other, but it was definitely a little bit rigid. We didn’t have a ton in common in terms of interests but I feel like personality wise there was a solid rapport. If we had chosen a more relaxed atmosphere with a couple of beers the conversation would have flowed more easily. I feel like the nature of these types of introductions is always awkward but this one went pretty well overall.

Struck, flow
Demeanor, exhibit
Rapport, strained

Once we struck up a conversation it began to flow

I feel like sometimes you need an initial spark to get a conversation to move seamlessly. The spark is kind of like breaking a dam and just letting the river glide. For us it was the energy of a third person joining the group.

Everyone has their own demeanor which they exhibit to others

Getting to know someone doesn’t just take talking. Figuring out how a person talks is just as important as what they’re talking about.

We strained to find a rapport

Getting a trumpet to tune in with a flute might be more difficult than a trumpet tuning in with a tuba.

Re: Integrated Networking Structures

Posted: 29 Oct 2019, 10:29
by Nate48
Integrated- meld, fuse, coalesce
network- matrix, web, society
structure- design, composition, form

meld- to blend to things together using heat or pressure on objects that don't easily combine
fuse- to affix objects together so that they become one
coalesce- to condense or bring together several different points
matrix- an overall design where the individual points contribute to the whole
web- a communication structure
society- the biggest network that applies to humans
design- the picture or idea that something must apply to
composition- the whole picture which comprises all of the individual notes coming together
form- a solid structure

New hires at a company will coalesce into the cultural web of the organization composed of all of their talents and abilities

Felt Experience
My felt experience reaches back to my time working at McDonalds in highschool. A bunch of new workers all came together from different backgrounds and experiences to become a cohesive unit. It was important that, despite our differences, we bought into the new web because we needed to work incredibly fast. Teamwork and tuning into your co workers was very important because the assembly line would fall apart if one unit lagged behind.

Re: Just Live

Posted: 02 Dec 2019, 17:47
by Nate48
Words Evoked
Bland, stark, confused, serious

Work, School, Fishbowl, December 10