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Posted: 16 Sep 2019, 21:56
by Niklas Middrup
10 phrases from Virtual Reality: Our Digital Escape

1. “So what happens if we are able to simulate reality so well and we create an environment that is indistinguishable from the real world?”
2. “Any idea, any location, any reality can be created and fully immersed into.”
3. “Each of one your eyes sees the world in different ways. This small difference makes all the difference.”
4. “We can put these people into realistic situations without actually having to do it.”
5. “Mistakes aren’t life-threatening and learning becomes much easier and less stressful.”
6. “The educational uses are almost limitless.”
7. “Achieving true and ultimately presence is going to be extremely difficult, but not impossible.”
8. “Although the human brain is smart and extremely attentive to details, it is pretty easy to trick.”
9. “For all we know, our dreams could be limitless.”
10. “Maybe one day we will have so many different realities that it is normal for everyone to have some sort of life in these worlds.”


Posted: 13 Oct 2019, 15:38
by Niklas Middrup
Self-reflection: Ability to evaluate yourself and analyze your thoughts, feelings and actions.

Participative observation: Being part of a group and experiencing a first-hand perspective on the structures within the sociality.

Symbolic interaction: Focuses on the relationships among individuals within a society, especially the communication and the exchange of meaning through language and symbols.

Auto-ethnography: Uses self-reflection and writing to explore personal experience and connect the findings to wider cultural, political, and social meanings and understandings.

Dichotomous thinking: Refers to the tendency to evaluate one's personal qualities in extreme, black-or-white categories.

Structures and structuring: Structure is the arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex, while structuring refers to arranging according to a plan; give a pattern or organization to.

Interpretation: The way one perceives something and puts meaning to it.

Sharing thoughts and mental processes: Sharing our thoughts allows us to successfully interact with others and evokes feelings that we experience as part of life including both moods and emotions.