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Niklas Middrup
Posts: 45
Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 14:39


Post by Niklas Middrup » 30 Oct 2019, 08:59

Fishbowl 10+1 Steps
Niklas Middrup, Luke Mackenzie, Nathan McGowan

1. Opening: Integrated Network Structures
Integrated – bringing separate things together and create a single entity
Networking – the exchange of information among people or a group
Structures - something put together by arranging and connecting all the different parts

2. Word Pool
Integrated: combined, linked, united, joined, unified, assimilated, included, incorporated, connected
Networking: interacting, exchange, communication, organization, channels, system, conversation, cooperation, together
Structures: construction, arrangements, configuration, formation, alignment, creation, production, making, build

3. Re-structure
A UNITED organization is capable of creating value.
Building a system full of CONNECTIVITY.
INTERACTIVITY is the foundation of success.

4. Felt-experience
I have been playing soccer all my life because I love the competition and to work hard within a team. When I chose to come to the US over 3 years ago, I challenged myself as I forced myself to leave my comfort zone. A different continent, a different country, a different language. But the same sport. It didn’t take long since I felt a high level of CONNECTIVITY with some of my new teammates/roommates that were in the same situation. As a team we are a UNITED group of guys that have the same passion and share the same goals. We are INTERACTING with each other all the time. On the field and off the field. We are learning about each other, we are learning from each other. We are evolving and growing together.

Original Words:
Integrated- meld, fuse, coalesce
network- matrix, web, society
structure- design, composition, form

New word pool:
meld- to blend to things together using heat or pressure on objects that don't easily combine
fuse- to affix objects together so that they become one
coalesce- to condense or bring together several different points
matrix- an overall design where the individual points contribute to the whole
web- a communication structure
society- the biggest network that applies to humans
design- the picture or idea that something must apply to
composition- the whole picture which comprises all of the individual notes coming together
form- a solid structure

New hires at a company will coalesce into the cultural web of the organization composed of all of their talents and abilities

Felt Experience:
My felt experience reaches back to my time working at McDonalds in highschool. A bunch of new workers all came together from different backgrounds and experiences to become a cohesive unit. It was important that, despite our differences, we bought into the new web because we needed to work incredibly fast. Teamwork and tuning into your co workers was very important because the assembly line would fall apart if one unit lagged behind.
Original Words
Integrated- with various parts or aspects linked or coordinated
Network- a group or system of interconnected people or things
Structure- the arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex

Word Pool
Integrated: combine, amalgamate, merge, unite, assimilate, homogenize
Network: system, nexus, grapevine, grid, system
Structure: Construction, form, composition, constitution, arrangement

When forming a team, we amalgamate members from different demographics so that they may form a nexus and create a group identity based on their composition.
Felt Experience
My felt experience comes from my experience last summer working as an orientation leader for the university. Even though the composition of our team was very diverse and we didn’t all collectively share anything in common, we were able to amalgamate as a group to serve the purpose that our job demanded. To this day we still network with each other, and I easily consider it one of the most valuable experiences of my time here at the University of Rhode Island.

5. 1/2/3
Niklas: Different, Cohesive, Diverse
Nate: coalesce,matrix, composition.
Luke: amalgamate, nexus, construction

6. Dichotomy (jointly)
Thought process: Different/Coalesce -> Diverse/Cohesive -> Diverse/Amalgamate

7. Word pool (jointly)
Diverse: different, dissimilar, unlike, sundry,
Amalgamate: merge, join, combine, unite, integrate, mingle,

8. Re-structure (jointly) New combined sentence using these words
Surprisingly, the DISSIMILAR can MERGE quite well into comprehensive creations.

9. Felt-Experience -regarding this sentence
Nate- You would think that typically individuals who are similar would form the best units, but this is not always so. When we came up with this sentence it reminded me about my time playing on a basketball team. We had players short and tall, shooters and dunkers, passers and ball hogs but this diversity lead to a great offensive scheme. This diversity lead to many options for the team. Puzzle pieces are all dissimilar but their differences allow them to fit in with each other much better than if they were all identical squares. The differences allow for the adhering process to take place.

NIKLAS - Usually, when we encounter people that are different or dissimilar, we experience that there is more value created compared to if everyone is rather similar. Our differences make us unique and special. I experience this often when working in a team or group. When the group members are more diverse with different backgrounds and different ideals and beliefs, there might be more discussions because we don’t agree right away but from my experience in the end after we merged and combined our ideas, the final outcome is of higher value.
Luke- When I think about this sentence, I think a lot about the relationships in my life. I find that as I get older a lot of my most valued relationships were made in an unexpected and serendipitous occurrence, and that these people and I most times shared nothing in common. Whether it was working collaboratively as members of a team or just a chance encounter, I’ve found that the most dissimilar people can merge into comprehensive creations and accomplish great things.

10. 1/2/3
Nate: adhering, identical, valued
Niklas: diversity, special,
Luke: serendipitous, accomplished

11. Final paragraph
Realization: To come to an awareness of something
Insight: The ability to understand inner qualities

Niklas - Through this exercise, I learned how creating word pools can alter and enhance my understanding of the initial word. I learned about myself through my selection of words and we created more and more value within our group as further we took our words. The felt-experience is of great importance as it gives us the opportunity to empower our restructured text. As a group, we created something as a unit by bringing together our individual work (INTEGRATED) as we exchanged information (NETWORKING) and put it all together by arranging and connecting all of our individual thoughts (STRUCTURES).

Nate- I’ve learned that the Integrated Network Structures require the fusing of different perspectives in order to be successful. The differences in perspective isn’t a problem which must be circumvented for the company, but rather is an asset which adds to their ability to solve complex problems. The degree to which the individuals are different requires a proportionally strong integration of those individuals and that makes the structure stronger. Successful companies will work off of this and keep the connections and bonds within their networks alive and robust.

Luke- Through this exercise I have learned that Integrated Networking Structures is a term for bringing unlike things together in a cohesive manner. I was surprised to find that through all of our restructuring and searching for synonyms I was able to find a deep and profound meaning to a concept that was foreign to me not even a week ago. I can not speak enough on the value of the felt experience. Real life application of our words adds value to them and makes us attach meaning to things in a profound way. Though the individual exercise was indeed interesting, I feel that this exercise has done a lot for our groups’ overall development.

Niklas Middrup
Posts: 45
Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 14:39


Post by Niklas Middrup » 09 Dec 2019, 10:30

Complex Adaptive Systems

1. Opening Statement
Complex Adaptive Systems
Complex: having many different parts or perspectives
Adaptive: being able to change according to the environment presented
Systems: A structure of inputs and outputs with different nodes of influence

2. Word Pool
Complex: Unique, intricate, elaborate, difficult
Adaptive: Responsive, augment, malleable,
Systems: Structure, organization, entity, institution
Complex - Difficult, Multipart, Challenging, Demanding
Adaptive - Adjusting, Acclimatizing, Receptive, Reactive
Systems - Coordination, Arrangements, Organization, Order, Form
Complex- Complicated, convoluted, intricate, tangled
Adaptive- Flexible, elastic, adjustable, adaptable
Systems- Arrangements, schemes, classifications, setups

Complex: INTRICATE devices are created by delicate hands
Adaptive: RESPONSIVE individuals blend the group dynamic
Systems: Many INSTITUTIONS make dissimilar similar
Complex: CHALLENGE is the way to improvement.
Adaptive: The RECEPTIVE listener is the one who creates value.
Systems: Without COORDINATION there is chaos.
Complex: COMPLICATED structures are the most difficult to understand.
Adaptive: FLEXIBLE learners are able to process information in different ways
Systems: We create meaning through word ARRANGEMENTS.

4.Felt Experience
Nate: The University of Rhode Island is a great CAS. As students, we have enrolled to form INTRICATE connections within our minds so that we are prepared to weather the chaotic outside world. The RESPONSIVE students foster more numerous, strong, and vibrant connections relative to their dormant peers. Integrating with this INSTITUTION is the goal of our learning.
I try to CHALLENGE myself whenever I can to avoid stagnancy. Whether it is on the soccer field, in the classroom, or in daily life I believe it is very important to demand great things of yourself and strive for excellence. In order to achieve excellence I learned you have to be very RECEPTIVE of your environment and adapt quickly in a constantly changing world. Being a student-athlete requires very good COORDINATION and time-management to be able to combine school and sports.
As a student and learner, I have had many times where I have felt that the material I was learning was too hard or too COMPLICATED. If I am being candid this course in many ways has provided a great challenge to the way that I think and process information. However if there is one thing I have learned from this class is that in order to truly learn one has to be FLEXIBLE and open ideas that may challenge our own perceptions of our intellect. ARRANGEMENTS play a big part of this, as breaking down concepts and taking them further creates new meaning and adds value to what we say.

Niklas: chaotic, stagnancy, breaking down
Nate: Prepared, numerous,vibrant
Luke: candid, challenge, process


7.New word pool
Stagnant: lifeless, static, void, stationary, still, quiet
Vibrant: ecstatic, exuberant, colorful, flashy, bright, exciting, energetic

Adapting to challenges changes attitudes from being STATIC and dull to COLORFUL and BRIGHT.

9.Felt experience
Our perceptions truly do shape our surroundings. I have noticed that when I don’t want to do a task or am having trouble doing a task that my attitude becomes drastically negative. However, when I take the time to try and fix the way I was addressing the problem It seems like the whole world changes and becomes more VIBRANT.
I often sense a feeling of guilt within myself, when I am not making progress and find myself in kind of a STATIC situation. For example when I have an assignment due and the deadline is approaching, but I am struggling to sit down and start working and making progress. I procrastinate and rather do something else. And while the deadline is approaching, I look back and ask myself why didn’t I start earlier. On the other hand, I sense a VIBRANT feeling, after I finished an exam, a paper or a presentation and I am satisfied and proud with what I have achieved.
As I go through life, I find myself trying more and more to avoid STAGNANCY. I’ve had a few experiences that have made me see the world as a more beautiful place, and though I am grateful for these experiences I find that they are fleeting, and that it is up to us all to continually create value for ourselves so that we can keep the world VIBRANT and colorful.
Nate: optimistic, perceptive, change
Niklas: surrounding, perception, progress
Luke: beautiful, trying, grateful

11. Insight
I have learned that the able to adapt is akin to the ability to act and continually react to a given situation. When you adapt you are engaging with a continuous process. Organizations will have to do the same as the worlds’ pace is increasing daily. Organizations face the task of continually reorienting themselves to face new problems whether they be internal or external.
Through this exercise,I learned once again how important it is to be able to adapt to different situations. We are living in a very complex world of constant change and to be successful, especially in the business environment, you need to be able to react quickly to make progress.
Through this activity I have found that we all belong to our own complex and adaptive systems. Though some may view unpredictability and inconsistency as negative, I feel as though it is a necessary and crucial aspect of our experiences. It shapes who we are and it is what separates us from others.

Niklas Middrup
Posts: 45
Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 14:39


Post by Niklas Middrup » 09 Dec 2019, 10:33

Dynamic Decision Making

1. Opening: Dynamic Decision Making
Dynamic: constant change, continuous and productive activity
Decision: a determination arrived at after consideration
Making: the act or process of forming, causing, doing, or coming into being

2.Word pool
Dynamic: active, energetic, forceful, lively, growing, changing
Decision: conclucion, choice,option, result, resolution, judgement
Making: creation, construction, production, form, establish

Dynamic: explosive, adaptive, charismatic, thoughtful, charming, unique
Decision: choice, situation, implementation, utility,
Making: form, build, design, create, process

Dynamic: Energetic, spirited, active, zestful
Decision: resolution, conclusion, settlement, resolve
Making: manufacturing, crafting, constructing, assembling

Dynamic: The ACTIVE person experiences success.
Decision: People's lives are the results of the CHOICES made every day.
Making: PRODUCTION requires inputs.

Dynamic: CHARISMATIC individuals can enact change
Decision: The IMPLEMENTATION of our ideas creates organizations
Making: we are continually existing in a transformation PROCESS

Dynamic: SPIRITED efforts yield the best results
Decision: Working smarter can bring the desired CONCLUSION
Making: CONSTRUCTING concrete guidelines and expectations help build cohesiveness

I learned that being ACTIVE is usually better than being passive. In gives you more control and power to influence and change things. We are always given CHOICES about what to do. If I encounter people who say “I didn’t have a choice” I often react in a negative way because it is the easy way to say you didn’t have a choice as the reason why you did it but in most situations you do have a choice. And making the wrong choices can lead to the PRODUCTION of bad consequences. For example, when you see someone being discriminated you have the choice between interfering or doing nothing and it can have a great impact on the person facing discrimination as well as yourself.

What I have learned from a previous job at a car rental agency is the difference between product oriented people and sales oriented people. CHARISMATIC individuals can sell a concept or product with little friction, while product oriented individuals are the ones who create the IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS to begin with.
I learned that by surrounding myself with SPIRITED people who have the will to accomplish a goal that anything is possible. By CONSTRUCTING a culture of positivity and setting concrete expectations, some of my best collaborative experiences have resulted in the desired CONCLUSION.

5. 1/2/3
NATE: Orientation, Concept, Friction
Niklas: Interfere, accomplish, collaborative
Luke: accomplish, positivity, collaborative

6. Dichotomy

7.New word pools
Interfere: delay, restrict, inhibit, impede, obstruct, hinder, limit, constrain
Collaborative: cooperative, collective, joint, combined, shared, supportive, helpful

Knowing one's LIMITS is HELPFUL.

9.Felt experience
I learned to set myself high but achievable goals. It is important to have goals and dreams but it is also important to know your own LIMITS. It can be difficult to accept your limits, but the acceptance can be HELPFUL. If you can truly say that you gave everything you could, but it just wasn’t good enough, you reached your limits and you will be able to accept that. If you didn’t give your best, you will always wonder what would have been possible. You will struggle to find closure. This sometimes happens to me after I get back a grade for my work in school or after a soccer game. Because I feel I could have done more, I am not satisfied, I could have had a better preparation. These things are in my mind for a while before I am able to forget about it, find closure and move on.

Understanding yourself is has been one of the most important things I have learned about myself while attending URI. I have realized that I should stick to my talents because when I don’t I usually perform worse than If I had done nothing at all. If you want to be helpful to society you need to provide value that originates from your developed talents.

In my time at college I have had an interesting relationship with limits. When I first came to school I never thought I was capable of anything, however after meeting those who would later empower me to be successful, I found that I am actually capable of a great deal. Now I set no limits on myself. Although it is a scary idea that my expectations are high, I know that I am capable of anything.

10. 1/2/3
NATE : Understanding, provider, aware
Niklas: achievable, talent, acceptance
Luke: Expectations, capable, relationship

11. insight
The decision making process is one of the most important things we do in our lives. We are making tons of decisions everyday. What am I going to eat today? What am I going to wear today? These decisions are small decisions with small impacts. But when it comes to decisions like where to go to college or what do I want to study, it is inevitable to have a dynamic decision making process in order to make a good decision after an active consideration.

Making Dynamic decisions can sometimes include difficult decisions. Being aware of yourself and your strengths and limitations is the greatest decision you can make. In organizations, It is akin to prescribing roles to a group that fits employees abilities as well as possible. Dynamic decisions also take place in the form of adaptability. That is to say effective people know how to make decisions on a variety of different subjects.

When I think about the concept of Dynamic Decision Making, it really makes me think about how our own self-perceptions can cause us to make different choices. A man can become president or live in rags purely based on his self perception and the choices he makes. Though a strange analogy, I find that our own self image has an almost unfairly large part to play in the way that we make choices.

Niklas Middrup
Posts: 45
Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 14:39


Post by Niklas Middrup » 16 Dec 2019, 15:39

Unique Innovative Capabilities
1. Opening: Unique Innovative Capabilities
Unique: being the only one of its kind, being out of the ordinary
Innovative: having the skill and imagination to create new things
Capabilities: a skill, an ability, or knowledge that makes a person able to do a particular job

2. Word Pool
Unique: single, exclusive, exceptional, distinctive, special
Innovative: inventive, pioneering, creative, imaginative, resourceful
Capabilities: abilities, skills, experience, competence, capacity

Unique: individual, remarkable, different, complex,
Innovative: forefront, problem-solving, foresight, progress
Capabilities: powers, resources, skills, talent, traits

Unique: idiosyncratic, individual, distinctive
Innovative: novel, fresh, original
Capabilities: capacity, power, potential, competence

Unique: Being EXCLUSIVE makes someone SPECIAL.
Innovative: Without PIONEERING mankind is lost.
Capabilities: Having the CAPACITY is not enough.
Unique: REMARKABLE people are rare for a reason
Innovative: those with FORESIGHT make the future
Capabilities: there are several key TRAITS in the pattern of success
Unique: Everyone possesses their own DISTINCT strengths
Innovative: NOVELTY is a key to ambition
Capabilities: POTENTIAL is a good thing to have, but if it is not acted on it can not be unlocked

4. Felt-Experience
Many people in our modern world controlled by social media strive to be EXCLUSIVE. It is considered cool when you have something other people don’t. Having the newest phone or visiting the most beautiful vacation place to show off with on social media. I believe some people only do specific things to be able to post it and receive positive feedback and valuation. They do not actually enjoy the moment because they are too occupied with social media. It is sad. Social media would not be in our lives without PIONEERING. Inventing new things requires creativity, imagination, and resources. Together with the CAPACITY do, there are no limits and we will see many new innovative advances in the future.

I remember when I first met a good friend I was amazed at how he maintained his poise in any situation. He was REMARKABLE because he possessed a litany of TRAITS that made him incredibly charismatic. For instance these traits, coupled with his FORESIGHT, allowed him to talk us out of trouble with security and police officers an incredible amount of times. Some people come with camouflage and can blend with many different groups and social situations.

Luke: When I reflect on my past experiences, I realized that I had a lot more POTENTIAL than I gave myself credit for. However over the years I have learned that NOVELTY was something that would inspire me to do more. By trying new experiences and entering situations that were new, I was able to push myself further and learn that I had my own DISTINCT strengths that set me apart from others.

5. 1/2/3
Niklas: desire, decision, potential
Nate: Perception, clarity, social
Luke:Challenges, growth, obstacles

Challenge/Potential → Challenge/Obstacle → Growth/Obstacle

7. word pool
Growth: development, advance, evolution, progress, improvement
Obstacle: problem, difficulty, hindrance, complication, hurdle, interference, limitation

8. Restructure
It is the HURDLE that leads to PROGRESS.

9. Felt experience
When I was younger, I preferred to stay in my comfort zone, where it was safe and sound. Until I realized I need to tackle the HURDLES that are in my way, if I want to be successful. Sometimes the HURDLE might appear to big and maybe you will fail to jump over it and fall down in the dirt. But you get up, work harder, try it again and again until you succeed. You might realize you need help to do it. But you will find a way, if you really want to. It is the entire process of tackling the hurdle that leads to your personal PROGRESS. I often experienced this in my life when playing soccer. In competitive sports there are so many hurdles you have to face and. But it also means so many opportunities for personal progress.

Figuring out who we are is the HURDLE which we must leap over if we are to continue. Too often we try to circumvent these hurdles rather than leap over them as was intended. But jumping over these obstacles allows us to jump higher and run faster, and leads to overall PROGRESS in all that we do.
As a child, I felt that I had a lot of challenges and obstacles to overcome. I was very shy and awkward, and was fearful of how I was going to be perceived by people. Now, as someone who is a representative for my school and those closest to me, I feel that I have made substantial progress in becoming comfortable with who I am relative to others.

10. 1/2/3
NATE: Challenges, Work, Triumph
Luke: obstacles, perception, comfortability
Niklas: fearful, comfort, failure

11. Insight
Honestly, I don’t feel that I made any type of breakthrough or insight in this particular structure. Maybe I wasn’t interacting with my group properly in this exercise relative to the other ones but I kept revisiting it for a breakthrough and it never occurred. I can’t say that I gained any insight from this particular experience, it wasn’t a good mental harvest this time around.

When I think about unique innovative capabilities, I think about how everyone has their own which differentiates them from others. Though we all start off at a disadvantage at times, our own unique skill sets eventually come out of the woodwork to as a direct result.

I believe having unique innovative capabilities can be a very valuable asset in the business world. Being exclusive or exceptional (UNIQUE), resourceful and creative (INNOVATIVE) paired with the abilities and skills (CAPABILITIES) required, gives you a very good chance to be successful. Being out of the ordinary can be the key to success, and I think specializing and becoming an expert in a specific field is becoming more and more important in our competitive working environment.

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