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Posted: 28 Oct 2019, 19:22
by bschiffer
Class 1 - 9/10
Fishbowl - be active - go on and check 15 minutes everyday
Don’t go to copy what you think is the right answer - create your own answer to be original.
Check the letter, look at the vocab words in Capitals at the bottom of the page
Go to Fishbowl and write out the vocabulary with the dictionary definition in your group
Try to use the dictionary not on your computer
First thing in Fishbowl is Vocabulary
Always write only one sentence of definition
Second is taking Notes
Taking class notes
Reading and Deconstructing the Letter
You read the letter, do the vocabulary, then read it again with the understanding from the vocabulary.
Then you are finally asked after reading a third time to rewrite a key sentence from the letter in your own words, the way you believe it can be said.
Learning in this classroom will happen due to reflection - not directly during class
the degree to which individuals tend to associate in social groups (gregariousness) and form cooperative societies.
Individuation ( according to Gilbert simondon)
The act or process of individuating, especially the process by which social individuals become differentiated one from the other.
Derrida: Deconstruction
Reflexivity (Anthony Giddens)
Imagination - a projection of ones experience and images, ones felt experience - get in touch with the inner child and the images
How do you see the world? - What is the image in your mind?
To form a society, you have to share your experiences
We are learning one word at a time
We are learning how to create word structure - sentences
We are sharing the images that our words evoke
As we do this, we become a society - we become tight-knit.
Transnational Organizations
characteristics attributed to successful transnational organizations:
Integrated Networking Structures,
Complex Adaptive Systems,
Dynamic Decision-Making
Unique Innovative Capabilities.
Posted: 28 Oct 2019, 19:23
by bschiffer
Evidence is key
Always respond to the emails
Learning to construct meaning
Not searching for the truth of the letter but constructing meaning for yourself
Approach is deconstruction - Derrida
Take each work, look in the dictionary, and look at options to substitute that word, and you reframe the sentence
Each person thinks in different ways as they select different words
We want to identify our differences because of innovation - show how you’re innovative and how you’re creative
Select a word from your text and say this is what my text symbolizes and then you develop it further - you just need to take the action
Social media exercise is an attempt to make people see in
Friendship in the workplace makes everyone work faster and easier
Intersubjective spaces: your selective words, symbols, ideas, are making an impact to the group
You have something going on between you because you look at each other’s symbols
It is eyes looking at eyes
We are learning non-linear thinking
You are thinking in ways that you mind is working and you are showing it
We are craftsmen of words
Critical making: coming with different perspectives
Phenomenologist: working towards this goal in class, look at phenomena
When reading journal publications, you do not need to read and interpret the publication the same uniform way that everyone else does.
What Impact are you making, are you engaged, and are you innovating
Using digital media students learn to become empowered participants rather than passive receivers.
In a knowledge economy, ownership is the key to currency
You want your words to change the reality
The two words, two symbols you select you must really contemplate - make sure to open your dictionary
You are learning through association
Contemplation is letting the thoughts come, focusing on a word and writing it down; then go to the dictionary
Learning to abstract
Abstract from a felt experience - here we do the opposite
A felt experience comes from the abstraction
Posted: 28 Oct 2019, 19:23
by bschiffer
One word can change the direction of your career - make sure you use the right one
Three interacting within a context
First thing we do is look at the global situation
Diversity helps - wide range of ways of thinking
Bartlett and Ghoshal - researched successful global businesses, found four factors
Develop a knowledge and knowing of each of the successful factors
Integrated networking structures
You're entering the unknown with a given structure - we are never without a structure
Second step - gathering words: called a word pool
The more words you write down the more resources you have
Not doing a selection now, but rather a gathering
Third step: Restructuring
Substituting the words and simplifying them, but you want to be using all three concepts. You want your restructured sentence to be a good, simple one.
An abstraction: you want to be the teller, not the told
Fourth Step: Now in the first person. Your Felt Experience. You’re describing an incident, you are explaining it, it is coming from your memory, you have experienced it.
It takes thinking and interpretation, it takes imagining and visualizing, but it must be grounded in your experience to gain knowing.
Step 5: now you are starting interaction
Reductionist technique, reducing it to one symbol
You don't want to be told what to think
Step 6: also done interactively; jointly deciding which two words form a dichotomy of the nine words. They should be as unrelated as possible.
Step 7: Word pool for the two wordsf
Step 8: create a structure jointly out of the word pool. Do joint work in capital.
Do your work, bring it together, and edit it; rearrange it
An inflection point
Step 9: on your own again, doing a felt experience
Step 10: doing your perceptual categories one more time
Step 11: Insight and Realization:
Can also start on dynamic decision making
Posted: 28 Oct 2019, 19:25
by bschiffer
Shift your attention in this course: things your attending to are different
Learning to Creating sociality
between our group members to create a better world
Your sharing your knowing
To self reflection: what goes through your mind when you look at word picture or symbol and thats what goes through your mind and that's what you want to share
By doing this your adding value to the group
Social constructivism
Participant observation
Symbolic interaction
Action research
Auto attenography
Putting yourself in the world your creating
Your apart of a network: a hub
Looking at diversity different looking at things differently by the symbols that we make, we are all unique
All footnotes but at the center of the page
What we do affects the group: we are adding value
Bring self reflection up to par
Empower your text through felt experience
Important to praise each other in a technical way to enhance each other
The journey is in words
Learning to self organize yourself
“Pity statement”
Integrating networking structures
Forming a word pool
Read each others and give 9 words
Pick out 2 or 3 words and link them up
A short felt experience
Posted: 04 Nov 2019, 12:11
by bschiffer
We live in a liquid society - Society is fragmented
Every assignment we hand in is a new society
You decide what sentence you create- you create your own individual structure
We are creating a digital product - the fishbowl
Taking notes is essential - you may not understand now, but you can figure it out
We want to talk to each other as equals and enhance each other - leverage each other
Who we are in our singular fishbowl
Fishbowl is a reflection of who you are and who you can become
Experiential learning is major
We are learning to theorize - being able to identify it will bring understanding
Go to school for theory, live the rest of your life through practice and process
We are communicating our stories, our images, our felt experiences.
Focus and curiosity regarding words will be beneficial
Keep your life connected to words in a meaningful way
The internet is the backbone of this global interconnected society
CMC - computer mediated communication
Individualization of work and fragmentation of society
We are developing a flow of information - a visual reality
The 10 steps are your way of seeing and being in the world
We are full of possibility and Sanjiv is full of perspective’
A leader today is by definition a teacher as well
What is your way of seeing the world, what is the visual reality of your network society
We’ve done integrated network structures, next is
Third is
Fourth is
What do they entail