Integrated Networking Structures: Group Work

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Integrated Networking Structures: Group Work

Post by raivon_reynolds » 05 Nov 2019, 11:21

Step 1: Opening:
Integrated Networking Structures: an organized system functioning as a unified whole of individuals, groups or institutions to exchange information or services
Integrated: Bringing multiple things, ideas, or other people together to form a group
Networking: a system of sharing information and serviced within groups of people who have common interests
Structures: Anything composed of parts or made up together in some particular way
Integrated- to unite two or more things together
Network- the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions
Structure- the arrangement of something in a definite pattern of organization

Step 2: Word Pool:
Form, coordinate, combined, chain, arrangement, construction, design, format, framework, complex, agreement, resources, social, blended, order, together, peace, produce, create, process
Integrated : combined, mingled, mixed, blended, meshed, assimilated, meshed, fused, joined
Networking: webbing, conjoined, mesh, mingle, spreading
Structures: formation , base, shape, anatomy, composition, assemble, arrange, order
Integrated- unified, combined, mingled, mixed, linked, connected, joined, mingled
Network- chain,organization, system, arrangement, associate,
Structure- arrangement, design, construction, formation, framework, organization

Step 3: Restructure:
Integrated: It is amazing to be UNIFIED with something or someone, I have PEACE and relaxation knowing I’m not alone.
Networking: The PROCESS of PRODUCING/ CREATING relationships and being a RESOURCE for other people.
Structure: The DESIGN and FOUNDATION you build is the first step in being successful.
Mixed, Webbing, Assemblage
· You must be mixed in a group to reach your maximum potential
· Webbing is essential in society to help the society to function better
· Having a strong assemblage in a group will maximize the efficiency and output
Integrated- In order to be CONNECTED to each other in our groups, we must share our true thoughts and opinions.
Network- In the business world, ASSOCIATING with your peers and building a lasting relationship is essential.
Structure- An ORGANIZATION is most efficient with diversity and differences among each member.

Step 4: Felt Experience:
As I began to define integrated networking structures my mind immediately went to my siblings and our bond. I am the middle child of five, two brothers and two sisters. Throughout my childhood I went through many highs and lows that shaped me into the woman I am today. As I experienced life, I always had my siblings right by my side as a UNIFIED front. It is amazing because of course we fight and argue but at the end of the day our love is so strong for one another and there will never be a time where I feel alone. At the beginning of the year, my younger brother and mom moved to upstate New York. This decision made us all extremely sad and devastated because we had to PROCESS the idea of not being altogether like we always have been. However, through this, we were able to cherish every single second we had/ have with each other from that moment on. Once a month I try to go see my family and spend as much time as I can since they aren’t five minutes down the road or living in the same house as me. The FOUNDATION of each of our relationships was already built from the moment we knew how to speak and it was a loving, strong, beautiful connection that could never be broken. A lot of times when I’m with my sisters and brother people will compliment our bond and say it produces warming to their hearts. My heart is always filled my heart with joy when I’m with them because without them I don’t know where I’d be.
When having to do my supply chain final project in class, I found that when my group is mixed with people that I do not know and are different than myself, I perform and work better. It makes me want to interact more with my new group members, and helps the group function better as a whole. This was due to the webbing process that connected me to each of my groupmates. We were all at the same university, taking the same class, and all had the same interest to do well in the course. This caused for our assemblage to be extremely sturdy and strong because even though we were mixed of different backgrounds and personalities, we were all interconnected to each other through our common society of URI.
I became involved with gymnastics when I was just five years old and it has been my greatest hobby ever since.Throughout the years, I have been involved with many different ORGANIZATIONS through traveling for competitions and fundraising for different events. I had the chance to become CONNECTED with all of the best friends and coaches I have met along the way. Being apart of a team has taught me how to ASSOCIATE with all different kinds of people and how to be a member of a team. Beyond the sport itself, gymnastics teaches you various life skills like self discipline, dedication, and teamwork.

Step 5: Interaction:
Myself: Strong
Craig: Whole
Olivia: Team

Myself: connect
Raivon: family
Olivia: involved

Raivon: relationship
Craig: different

Step 6: Dichotomy
#1: Whole/ Different

Step 7: Word Pool (Individual)
Raivon: full, all, exclusive, integral, total, accomplished, fulfilled, associate, contrast, distant, distinctive, diverse, various
Whole: Full, all, total, inclusive, uncut, indivisible, gross
Different: Variant, unalike, diverse, dissimilar
Whole: complete, entire, full, total, all, in one piece, entity, unbroken
Different:unique, unlike, dissimilar, distinct,diverse, miscellaneous, seperate
Step 8: Joint Restructure
A great group is diverse in character and background, but indivisible in terms of unity and togetherness.

Step 9: Felt Experience
Throughout my life I’ve always moved several times within a year span. This past year I’ve already moved three times. Everything was always changing for me so I had to adapt quickly and get used to the change over and over again. As I moved I had to go to different schools and make more friends so I would enjoy my time in school and not feel alone. I went to two different high schools because after my freshman year in Providence I moved to Pawtucket so that’s where I finished the last three years of my high school career. Through these experiences I learned about different people, environments and attitudes.
Growing up I was always apart of baseball and basketball teams. We were made up of a diverse backgrounds, personalities, and nationalities. At first we only had the sports that we played in common, but over the years as we shared a bond on the playing field we became united as one. By the time we reached high school we were completely indivisible, and we knew that we could overcome any obstacle that got in our way. This led us to be extremely successful throughout our time playing together in high school.
Going out of state for college, I was extremely nervous and did not know what to expect. Although it was only a little over an hour away from my hometown, I was still very anxious that whole summer prior to move in. However, I was excited to branch out, experience something new, and get the opportunity to meet a DIVERSE group of people. By the second semester, I knew I made the right decision to come to URI. My friends and I were INDIVISIBLE and I knew we would be close for life.

Step 10: Interaction
Myself: Move
Craig: Sports
Myself: Bond
Raivon: adapt
Craig: decision

Step 11: Insight and Realization
As you move through life you realize you need to expand your vocabulary and adapt to the language used within the environment you are apart of. The generations are also the explanation of using new and different words constantly as well as learning the meaning of the language used. A lot of times when I’m talking to my mom I’ll use words that are known the mine and younger generations and she’ll be confused and have to ask what it means. This helps people expand their own dictionary that they walk with and be able to express these words with the meaning they’ve possessed for them.
Words are our main form of communication that we speak, read, and hear every single day. Words are the language in which we speak and express whatever we are trying to say. I have never really thought about the impact specific words but word choice is indeed very powerful. Words connect language, meaning, and people into a network that is open to interpretation. Every person has their own felt experiences with different words and different meanings. This is why it is imperative for one to learn and expand their vocabulary every day so they can find a proper balance that excels them in their professional and social field. This is extremely eye opening to me because now I understand the impact of my word choice, and the effect it can have on my viewers through speech or writing.
Prior to this assignment and more particularly this class, I never realized how much word choice and vocabulary mattered in my life. Every word I choose has a reason behind it, something I did not perceive before. Word pools have allowed me to expand my vocabulary and knowledge greatly, and that is something that is useful for the rest of my life. Felt experiences have given me the chance to really connect to different words, no matter how dissimilar they may be.

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