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Interactive Assignments

Posted: 30 Sep 2019, 23:41
by Oliviasalvucci
Olivia Salvucci
Bus 345 Social meeting assignment

Before notes: I was very excited to meet with my group members and get the opportunity to see what they are like in person, rather than through text or on the fishbowl. Since we are going to be interacting a lot over the next couple of months, It was nice to actually know who I was working alongside with and to put a face to a name.We had planned to meet during our class time on Tuesday the 24th, since it was most convenient for us as a group. I enjoy meeting new people and was interested to see any similarities and differences we may have from each other.


“Since Sally commutes from home, she spends a lot of her time in the library between classes.”

Craig, Raivon, and I all met in the library last tuesday during class time. Raivon was the first to show up and told us both where she was sitting. I had a hard time finding her at first since we had never met before. She noticed that the confused girl walking around was me and I sat down at the table. Craig came a couple minutes after me and sat down as well. We all shared where we were from. Raivon commutes from Pawtucket, Rhode Island and has done so since she has gone here. Craig and I shared where we live this year and realized that we both commute from our off campus houses in Narragansett.

Graduation/ Television

“He procrastinated getting ready for graduation by watching his favorite show on television.”

During our meeting, we talked for a few minutes about tv shows. We all shared some of our favorites but we all seemed to have pretty different picks. For example, some of my favorites include shameless and One Tree Hill, Raivon’s was 13 reasons why and How to get away with murder, and Craigs was Game of Thrones. All of these shows seemed to be very different from each other. We also discussed when we were all graduating. I told them how I was graduating this spring with a degree in Finance. Raivon and Craig realized that they both are senior accounting majors and are attending classes after graduation so that they graduate with 150 credits and can take the CPA exam.

“ She and her siblings do extracurricular activities at the middle school until their parents get out of work.”

We also talked about our siblings. I shared how I have one sister that is three years older than I am. Raivon expressed that she has 2 sisters and a brother and Craig has two older brothers. Another topic we talked about was extracurriculars at school. I told them how I have been on the URI gymnastics team since my freshman year and how it is something that I enjoy doing. Raivon brought up how she had done gymnastics for eight years of her childhood but unfortunately never had the time to try out for the team here at school. Instead, she is a member of P.I.N.K which I thought was really interesting.

Re: Interactive Assignments

Posted: 28 Oct 2019, 22:59
by Oliviasalvucci
Integrated Networking Structures

Step 1: Integrated networking structures

Integrated- to unite two or more things together
Network- the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions
Structure- the arrangement of something in a definite pattern of organization

Step 2: Word pool
Integrated- unified, combined, mingled, mixed, linked, connected, joined, mingled
Network- chain, organization, system, arrangement, associate
Structure- arrangement, design, construction, formation, framework, organization

Step 3: Restructuring
Integrated- In order to be CONNECTED to each other in our groups, we must share our true thoughts and opinions.
Network- In the business world, ASSOCIATING with your peers and building a lasting relationship is essential.
Structure- An ORGANIZATION is most efficient with diversity and differences among each member.

Step 4: Felt experience

I became involved with gymnastics when I was just five years old and it has been my greatest hobby ever since.Throughout the years, I have been involved with many different ORGANIZATIONS through traveling for competitions and fundraising for different events. I had the chance to become CONNECTED with all of the best friends and coaches I have met along the way. Being apart of a team has taught me how to ASSOCIATE with all different kinds of people and how to be a member of a team. Beyond the sport itself, gymnastics teaches you various life skills like self discipline, dedication, and teamwork.

Re: Interactive Assignments

Posted: 04 Nov 2019, 18:05
by Oliviasalvucci
Complex adaptive systems

Step 1: Complex adaptive systems

Complex-consisting of many different and connected parts.
Adaptive- the ability to change to adapt to different conditions
Systems-a set of connected items or devices that operate together

Step 2: word pool

Complex-compound, intricate, involved, elaborate, involved, tangled, multipart, sophisticated ,challenging ,multibranched
Adaptive- flexible, adjusting, readjust, accustom, conform ,revise,
Systems- structure, arrangement, organization, policy, strategy, technique, network, method, administration, approach

Step 3: Restructure

Complex- Some people choose the easy way of doing something, while others prefer to pick the more CHALLENGING route and test their abilities.
Adaptive-Many times in life things don’t go as planned, and you must READJUST accordingly.
Systems- There are often many different METHOD to get the correct answer.

Step 4: Felt experience

The summer of my freshman year of high school, I got the opportunity to travel to Italy with my whole family. I went there without knowing much about their culture and their different METHOD of doing some things. One thing I realized was how many places would often close during lunch time for a few hours, causing us to READJUST our schedule. Also, things like going out to dinner or asking for directions were often surprisingly CHALLENGING to us, since we did not speak much Italian. However, I had a very positive experience and would love to go back in the future. This experience allowed me to try new things and gave me a new perspective on life.