Letter Responses- Craig

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Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 11:01

Science of Networks

Post by CraigRigoliosi » 19 Nov 2019, 10:01

The science of networks is most simply defined as the "science of the real world; the world of people, friendships, rumors, disease, fads, firms, and financial crises." (Duncan J. Watts). Personally to me, this feels like the science of human interaction and interrelation. It has to do with sociality between people who are similar and different throughout the entire world. With the emergence of technology and social media, we are more connected now than ever before. At any point and time we can talk to and see people on the other side of the planet in a moments notice. This has had a major impact on business and social networking in recent years.

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Reader Response Theory

Post by CraigRigoliosi » 19 Nov 2019, 10:09

Reader-response criticism is a school of literary theory that focuses on the reader (or “audience”) and their experience of a literary work, in contrast to other schools and theories that focus attention primarily on the author or the content and form of the work. This involves a reader of a text to conceptualize it and create meaning from the words and symbols that you read. Everyone has their own interpretation and felt experience of the text because conceptually, literature is an art. Each reader can derive their own meaning from each text just like artwork.

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your fishbowl is your youtube channel

Post by CraigRigoliosi » 19 Nov 2019, 10:17

We are all "footnotes in the center of the page". this is due to our importance in the societies that we are a part of, and how we ourselves are centered in our own life. Just like Subban, we must transform our knowledge and place it into our everyday life. Wether it is putting our thoughts and felt experiences online, or sharing/using the knowledge in the work place this will help ensure that you come out on top.

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self driven agenda

Post by CraigRigoliosi » 19 Nov 2019, 10:26

In business management, a learning organization is a company that facilitates the learning of its members and continuously transforms itself. This is extremely important for a company to be able to grow past their competitors, and excel in their industry. This would help keep employees more engage and happy because they will constantly be learning new valuable things to help advance their life. Any company that considers themselves a learning organization would immediately have an internal advantage over other companies that don't typically care about the growth of their employees and just look at them as assets rather than people.

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morning thoughts: developing a voice

Post by CraigRigoliosi » 19 Nov 2019, 10:35

"It is your Voice that has to be heard, if you want your Action to have an Impact". I very much agree with this quote because throughout history this exact same idea has been said hundreds of times. In times of injustice and abuse people have felt that they have no voice and no power to change things in their current society. This can be seen frequently in countries that were led by dictators and monarchs, and even in American society today, with less extremity to the prior circumstances. Displaying your voice and expressing your frustrations, dislikes, disagreement with things going on in society is a virtuous and valuable character trait. These are the people who spark change and influence other people to stand up for what they believe in.

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Looking forward to Reading

Post by CraigRigoliosi » 19 Nov 2019, 10:44

In our fishbowl we are making our thoughts, texts, and feelings into a physical construct that others can read and absorb for themselves. This creates an ongoing process of analyzing and absorbing information and having other creating their own meaning and felt experiences from the very ones we process and create. This is what we are doing hand on and for real in this class. We are reading others works and creating our own meaning and generating our own felt experiences to everything our senses pick up on.

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simultaneous reading and writing

Post by CraigRigoliosi » 21 Nov 2019, 09:38

In the whole of life, we are living in a real time process of reading and writing. We are constantly reading symbols, words, pictures, and situations that we find ourselves a part of. We are also writing and creating our own felt experiences and sharing these feelings with other people in our social network. This reading and writing process is always happening and always changing depending on our situation. This is what truly yields diverse patterns of meaning from each and every action/event that we are apart of.

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Reflecting Mid-way

Post by CraigRigoliosi » 21 Nov 2019, 09:46

“I want to produce evolving and diverse patterns of meaning. This is a big but wonderful task” (Isabella Olczak, 2019). In my opinion this quote reflects the main idea behind this class. In this class we focus on creating meaning from the various symbols, words, texts, ect. that we see and read in the fishbowl. Each one of us interprets these things differently and create meaning differently as well. This is why producing meaning that is constantly diverse and evolving is such a wonderful task .

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Reflecting a new society

Post by CraigRigoliosi » 21 Nov 2019, 09:53

Our fishbowl helps us to reveal how we created, got, used, and distributed digital information amongst ourselves. It allows us to do this because after every letter we receive, we made a digital post. Now we can go back into the fishbowl at any time to see how we responded to each post, and we can also see if our feelings or ideas have changed since then. We can also compare our responses to our colleagues', which is a valuable resource that will allow us to get a feel of others way of thinking.

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Further Reflection on your performance

Post by CraigRigoliosi » 21 Nov 2019, 10:03

I very much agree with the fact that our work is self-representational. This is because even though we may be required to respond to specific posts, we all create our own response that is unique. It represents our own felt experience from the reading and the process of creating meaning from the text. We take in these words and symbols to create our own meaning that we share with the entire fishbowl. We put our ideas and feelings out into the social network of the fishbowl for our group mates and classmates to see for themselves.

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Reorienting One's Vision: The Return

Post by CraigRigoliosi » 21 Nov 2019, 10:18

It is a visual event whenever we return to look. Why must we return? What if we don’t? What are we gaining-losing by returning and taking a look again?

We must return because this gives us valuable insight on how we once thought and processed information. This is valuable to know because this will allow you to learn and grow as a person. By taking part in this process it will allow you to obtain more knowledge about yourself, by not taking part of this you may not learn valuable things about your past self. Learning from your past is valuable so you can see in what areas of your life you grew or should try to change. There will never be harm from returning to look, but you can miss out on opportunities to change, learn, and grow if you do not.

Posts: 95
Joined: 10 Sep 2019, 11:01

recounting anecdotes and honoring lived experiences

Post by CraigRigoliosi » 21 Nov 2019, 10:35

The fishbowl is constantly produces theories that honors our past felt experiences to situations, events, symbols, texts, and pictures that we have associated ourselves with. These are out anecdotes that are real things that we have seen or gone through. These stories shape us as people and affect us down to our core. "You live and you learn" is a great representation of this. We learn through our past mistakes or successes. These past decisions will help you create new and better decisions to similar situations. These also honor our past felt experiences and help us to honor our future decisions.

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