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Google Searches
Posted: 22 Sep 2019, 22:49
by juliaatrovato
"Re-structuring texts"
Don Schon: The Reflective Practitioner
• Was a philosopher
• Developed the concept of reflective practice and contributed to the theory of organizational learning
• Reflective practitioner: challenged practitioners to re consider the role of technical knowledge vs. artistry inn developing professional excellence.
• This mainly affected study of teacher education, architectural design, and half and social care
Re: Google Searches
Posted: 23 Sep 2019, 14:18
by juliaatrovato
"New forms of intimacy and friendship"
Anthony Giddens
• British Sociologist
• Draws on a wide range of action theories
• one of Giddens claims is that individuals always have some form of agency to transform a situation; even slaves have the capacity to act in different ways
Re: Google Searches
Posted: 23 Sep 2019, 14:37
by juliaatrovato
"Theory of Assemblages"
Delueze ad Guattari Assemblage Theory:
• An ontological framework developed by Deleuze and Guattari
• This theory provides a bottom-up framework for analyzing social complexity by emphasizing fluidity, exchangeability, and multiple functionalities
• It asserts that within a body, the relationships of component parts are not stable and fixed but can be displaced and replaced
Manuel Delanda:
• Mexican-American writer and philosopher
• His book attempts to loosely define a new ontology for use by social theorists
• Challenges the existing paradigm of meaningful social analyses being possible only on the level of either individuals or “society as a whole”
• His book employs Deleuzes theory to posit social entities on all scales that are best analyzed through their components
Re: Google Searches
Posted: 26 Sep 2019, 23:52
by juliaatrovato
"Reassembling the Social"
Rabindranath Tagore
• Native of Calcutta, india
• Received a Nobel Prize for literature
• Wrote poetry, fiction, drama, essays, and songs
• Promoted reforms in education and religion
• Some concepts came from the relationship between man and god
Re: Google Searches
Posted: 13 Nov 2019, 16:29
by juliaatrovato
“Reassembling the Social”
• A fundamental challenge form one of the world’s leading social theorists to how we understand society and the “social”
• Latour’s contention is that the word ‘social’ has become laden with assumptions to the point where It has become misnomer
Actor-Network Theory:
• A theoretic and methodological approach to social theory where everything in the social and natural worlds exists in constantly shifting networks of relationships
• Assumes nothing exists outside those relationships
Re: Google Searches
Posted: 13 Nov 2019, 16:32
by juliaatrovato
"Creating and constructing knowledge content"
Brenda Laurel
• Video game designer and researcher
• An advocate for diversity and inclusiveness in video games
• She is a public speaker and board member of several companies and organizations
Re: Google Searches
Posted: 13 Nov 2019, 16:51
by juliaatrovato
"Sharing the world: reading your social meeting reflections":
Luce Irigary:
• Belgian-born French feminist, philosopher, linguist, psycholinguist, psychoanalyst, and cultural theorist
• She examined the uses and misuses of language in relation to women
Re: Google Searches
Posted: 13 Nov 2019, 19:42
by juliaatrovato
"Society of Consumers"
Zygmunt Bauman
• A Polish Jewish sociologist and philosopher
• Was driven out of Poland by a political purge in 1968 by the Communist government of the Polish People’s Republic and forced to give up his Polish citizenship to move to Israel
• Was one of the most influential intellectuals in Europe
• Known for works that examine broad changes in the nature of contemporary society ad their effects on communities and individuals
• Focused primarily on how the poor and dispossessed have been affected by social changes
Re: Google Searches
Posted: 16 Dec 2019, 19:23
by juliaatrovato
"recapping methodology of the fishbowl"
"participant observation"- a qualitative research method where the researcher not only observes the research participants, but also engages in the activities of the research participants
"social construction of reality"- refers to the theory that the way we present ourselves to other people is shaped partly by our interactions with others, as well as by our life experiences
"symbolic interactionism"- view of social behavior that emphasizes linguistic or gestural communication and its subjective understanding
"action research"- an interactive inquiry process that balances problem-solving actions implemented in a collaborative context with data-driver collaborative analysis
Re: Google Searches
Posted: 16 Dec 2019, 19:26
by juliaatrovato
"doing conversation"
"conversation"- an informal talk between two or more people where news and ideas are exchanged
Having conversation is a very important aspect of life. Constantly communicating with others gives you a chance to learn and grow as a person.
Re: Google Searches
Posted: 16 Dec 2019, 19:31
by juliaatrovato
"science of networks"
"Duncan J Watts"- a sociologist and a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. Known for his works on small-world networks
small-world networks: a network where the typical distance between two randomly chosen nodes (the # of steps required) grows proportionally to the logarithm of the number of nodes in the network
Re: Google Searches
Posted: 16 Dec 2019, 20:42
by juliaatrovato
"self-driven agenda"
"learning Organization" by Peter Senge: a group of people working together collectively to enhance their capacities to create results they really care about. Senge made this concept popular through his book, "The Fifth Discipline"
Jerome K: about a two-week boating holiday on the Thames. Originally, the book intended to be a serious travel guide, but the humurous elements took over the point
J.M Coetzee: south African born novelist, essayist, linguist, and translator and was said to have been at "the forefront of the anti-apartheid movement within Afrikaner literature and letters