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Re: Vocabulary
“Meeting Once Again”
AESTHETICS: pleasing in appearance; appreciative of or responsive to beauty
ABSTRACTION: absence of mind or preoccupation
APHORISM: a concise statement of a principle
AXIOM: a statement accepted as true as the basis for argument or inference
AESTHETICS: pleasing in appearance; appreciative of or responsive to beauty
ABSTRACTION: absence of mind or preoccupation
APHORISM: a concise statement of a principle
AXIOM: a statement accepted as true as the basis for argument or inference
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Re: Vocabulary
“Learning is an Act of Courage”
GOAL: the end toward which effort is directed
POSSIBILITY: potential or prospective value; the condition of being possible
COURAGE: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty
MANTRA: a mystical formula of invocation
LEARNING: knowledge or skill acquired by instruction or study
CREATE: to bring into existence
STRUCTURE: the arrangement of particles or parts in a substance or body; the action of building
DICHOTOMY: a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities; something with seemingly contradictory qualities
SYMBOL: something that stands for or suggests something else by reason of relationship, association, convention, or accidental resemblance
JUXTAPOSITION: the act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side often to compare or contrast or to create an interesting effect
COMPARE: to examine the character or qualities of especially in order to discover resemblances or differences
CONTRAST: appraise in respect to differences
COURAGE: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty
GOAL: the end toward which effort is directed
POSSIBILITY: potential or prospective value; the condition of being possible
COURAGE: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty
MANTRA: a mystical formula of invocation
LEARNING: knowledge or skill acquired by instruction or study
CREATE: to bring into existence
STRUCTURE: the arrangement of particles or parts in a substance or body; the action of building
DICHOTOMY: a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities; something with seemingly contradictory qualities
SYMBOL: something that stands for or suggests something else by reason of relationship, association, convention, or accidental resemblance
JUXTAPOSITION: the act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side often to compare or contrast or to create an interesting effect
COMPARE: to examine the character or qualities of especially in order to discover resemblances or differences
CONTRAST: appraise in respect to differences
COURAGE: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty
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Re: Vocabulary
"Soft Power"
SEE: to perceive by the eye; to form a mental picture of; to imagine a possibility
SEE: to perceive by the eye; to form a mental picture of; to imagine a possibility
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Re: Vocabulary
REASSEMBLING: to bring or put together the parts of something again
MATERIAL: of or relating to matter rather than form; of or relating to the subject matter of reasoning
PROCESS: a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result
ASSOCIATION: an organization of persons having a common interest
CREATE: to bring into existence
CONSTRUCT: to make or form by combining or arranging parts or elements
REASSEMBLING: to bring or put together the parts of something again
MATERIAL: of or relating to matter rather than form; of or relating to the subject matter of reasoning
PROCESS: a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result
ASSOCIATION: an organization of persons having a common interest
CREATE: to bring into existence
CONSTRUCT: to make or form by combining or arranging parts or elements
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Re: Vocabulary
“Creating and Constructing Knowledge Content”
GENERATIVE: having the power or function of generating, originating, producing, or reproducing
FORMATION: an act of giving form or shape to something or of taking form
NASCENT: coming or having recently come into existence
TRANSMISSION: n act, process, or instance of transmitting
CONSTRUCTION: the arrangement and connection of words or groups of words in a sentence
REMEMBER: to bring to mind or think of again
FORGET: to lose the remembrance of; to be unable to think of or recall; to treat with inattention or disregard
KNOW: to perceive directly : have direct cognition of
KNOWLEDGE: the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association
CONTENT: the topics or matter treated in a written work
CREATE: to bring into existence
GENERATIVE: having the power or function of generating, originating, producing, or reproducing
FORMATION: an act of giving form or shape to something or of taking form
NASCENT: coming or having recently come into existence
TRANSMISSION: n act, process, or instance of transmitting
CONSTRUCTION: the arrangement and connection of words or groups of words in a sentence
REMEMBER: to bring to mind or think of again
FORGET: to lose the remembrance of; to be unable to think of or recall; to treat with inattention or disregard
KNOW: to perceive directly : have direct cognition of
KNOWLEDGE: the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association
CONTENT: the topics or matter treated in a written work
CREATE: to bring into existence
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Re: Vocabulary
“Sharing the World: Reading your social meeting reflections”
AFFIRMATION: a positive assertion
AFFIRMATION: a positive assertion
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Re: Vocabulary
“Further Reflection on the Social Meeting”
THOUGHT: an individual act or product of thinking
INSIGHT: the act or result of apprehending the inner nature of things or of seeing intuitively
UNDERSTANDING: the power of comprehending
INTUITION: quick and ready insight; knowledge or conviction gained by intuition
GRASP: to lay hold of with the mind
FEELING: appreciative or responsive awareness or recognition
EMPATHY: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner
SENSIBILITY: peculiar susceptibility to a pleasurable or painful impression
EXPRESSION: something that manifests, embodies, or symbolizes something else
THOUGHT: an individual act or product of thinking
INSIGHT: the act or result of apprehending the inner nature of things or of seeing intuitively
UNDERSTANDING: the power of comprehending
INTUITION: quick and ready insight; knowledge or conviction gained by intuition
GRASP: to lay hold of with the mind
FEELING: appreciative or responsive awareness or recognition
EMPATHY: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner
SENSIBILITY: peculiar susceptibility to a pleasurable or painful impression
EXPRESSION: something that manifests, embodies, or symbolizes something else
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Re: Vocabulary
IDEAL: conforming exactly to a law or standard
IDEALIZATION: to from ideals; to treat idealistically
PLURAL: consisting of/containing more than one or more than one kind or class
DEPICTION: a representation in words or images of someone or something
INTERPRET: to conceive in the light of individual belief, judgment, or circumstance
IDEAL: conforming exactly to a law or standard
IDEALIZATION: to from ideals; to treat idealistically
PLURAL: consisting of/containing more than one or more than one kind or class
DEPICTION: a representation in words or images of someone or something
INTERPRET: to conceive in the light of individual belief, judgment, or circumstance
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Re: Vocabulary
“Society of Consumers”
VIGNETTE: a picture that shades off gradually into the surrounding paper
EPISODE: an event that is distinctive and separate although part of a larger series
EVENT: an occurrence; something that happens
VOICE: to express in words
CREATE: to bring into existence
POSSIBILITY: the condition or fact of being possible
VIGNETTE: a picture that shades off gradually into the surrounding paper
EPISODE: an event that is distinctive and separate although part of a larger series
EVENT: an occurrence; something that happens
VOICE: to express in words
CREATE: to bring into existence
POSSIBILITY: the condition or fact of being possible
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Re: Vocabulary
“Living Mindfully in Cyber-Culture”
LITERACY: the quality or state of being literate
KNOW-HOW: knowledge of how to do something smoothly and efficiently
DEPLOY: to spread out, utilize, or arrange for a deliberate purpose
ATTENTION: the act or state of applying the mind to something
PARTICIPATION: the act of participating; inclusion
COLLABORATION: to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor
NETWORK: an interconnected or interrelated chain, group, or system
LITERACY: the quality or state of being literate
KNOW-HOW: knowledge of how to do something smoothly and efficiently
DEPLOY: to spread out, utilize, or arrange for a deliberate purpose
ATTENTION: the act or state of applying the mind to something
PARTICIPATION: the act of participating; inclusion
COLLABORATION: to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor
NETWORK: an interconnected or interrelated chain, group, or system
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Re: Vocabulary
“Thinking Process”
DECISION: a report of a conclusion
DIFFERENCE: the quality or state of being dissimilar or different
DEVELOPMENT: the act, process, or result of developing
SOLITUDE: the quality or state of being alone
MEANING: the thing one intends to convey especially by language
PROCESS: a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result
DECISION: a report of a conclusion
DIFFERENCE: the quality or state of being dissimilar or different
DEVELOPMENT: the act, process, or result of developing
SOLITUDE: the quality or state of being alone
MEANING: the thing one intends to convey especially by language
PROCESS: a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result
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Re: Vocabulary
SHARING: to partake of, use, experience, occupy, or enjoy with others
WARRANTS: sanction, authorization, ground, justification
ATTENTION: the act or state of applying the mind to something
TRANSPARENCY: the quality or state of being transparent
AUTHENTIC: worthy of acceptance or belief as conforming to or based on fact
SHARING: to partake of, use, experience, occupy, or enjoy with others
WARRANTS: sanction, authorization, ground, justification
ATTENTION: the act or state of applying the mind to something
TRANSPARENCY: the quality or state of being transparent
AUTHENTIC: worthy of acceptance or belief as conforming to or based on fact