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Posted: 03 Oct 2019, 12:01
by carolmoncada

Society- a group of people involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations

Sociality- the degree to which individuals in a population tend to associate in social groups and form cooperative societies

Individuation- distinguish from others of the same kind; single out
Gilbert Simondon- most basic argument is that an “individual” is never given in advance; it must be produced, it must coagulate, or come into being, in the course of an ongoing process.

Activity- the state or quality of being active; use of energy or force

Learning- The act or process of acquiring a knowledge or skill

Reflection- A fixing of the thoughts on something; careful consideration

Flow- To move along in a stream

Destruction- to reduce (an object) to useless fragments, a useless form, or remains, as by rending, burning, or dissolving; injure beyond repair or renewal; demolish; ruin; annihilate.

Undebated- a discussion, as of a public question in an assembly, involving opposing; a formal contest in which the affirmative and negative sides of a proposition are advocated by opposing speakers.

Archive- documents or records relating to the activities, business dealings, etc., of a person, family, corporation, association, community, or nation.

Re: Vocabulary

Posted: 03 Oct 2019, 12:01
by carolmoncada

Aesthetics- the philosophical theory or set of principals governing the idea of beauty at a given time and place; the study of the mind and emotions in relation to the sense of beauty.

Abstraction- the act of considering something as a general quality or characteristic, apart from concrete realities, specific objects, or actual instances.

Aphorism- embodying a general truth or astute observation, as “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”

Axiom- a self-evident truth that requires no proof; a universal accepted principal or rule

Re: Vocabulary

Posted: 05 Dec 2019, 18:09
by carolmoncada
Reassembling- to put together again
Material- the matter from which a thing is or can be be made
Process- a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end
Association- a group of people organized for a joint purpose
Create- being something into existence
Construct- an idea or theory containing various conceptual elements typically one considered to be subjective and not based on empirical data

Generate- cause (something, especially an emotion or situation) to arise or come about
Formation- a structure or arrangement of something
Nascent- a process or organization just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential
Transmission- the action or process of transmitting something or the state of being transmitted
Construction- the building of something, typically a large structure
Remember- have in or be able to bring one's mind an awareness of someone or something that one has seen, known, or experienced in the past
Forget- fail to remember
Know- be aware through observation, inquiry, or information
Knowledge- facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject

Affirmation- state as a fact; assert strongly and publicly

Further reflection on social meeting papers:
Thought- an idea or opinion produced by thinking, or occurring suddenly in the mind
Insight- the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing
Understanding- perceive the intended meaning of words, language or a speaker
Intuition- the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning
Grasp- seize and hold firmly
Feeling- an emotional state or reaction
Empathy- the ability to understand and share the feelings of another
Sensibility- the ability to appreciate and respond to complex emotional or aesthetic influences
Expression- the process of making known one's thoughts or feelings

Ideal- satisfying one's conception of what is perfect; most suitable
Idealization- the action of regarding or representing something as perfect or better than in reality
Plural- denoting more than one
Depiction- the action or result of depicting something, especially in art
Interpret- explain the meaning of

Society of consumers:
Vignette- a brief evocative description, account, or episode
Episode- an event or a group of events occurring as part of a larger sequence
Event- a thing that happens, especially one of importance
Voice- the distinctive tone or style of a literary work or author
Possibility- a thing that may happen or be the case

Living mindfully in cyber-culture
Literacy- the ability to read and write
Deploy- bring into effective action; utilize
Attention- notice taken of someone or something; the regarding of someone or something as interesting or important
Participation- the action of taking part in something
Collaboration- the action of working with someone to produce or create something
Network- a group of people who exchange information, contacts, and experience for professional or social purposes

Thinking process:
Decision- a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration
Difference- a point or way in which people or things are not the same
Development- a new and refined product or idea
Solitude- the state or situation of being alone
Meaning- implied or explicit significance
Process- a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end

Sharing- have or give a portion of something with or to another or others
Warrants- justification or authority for an action, belief, or feeling
Attention- notice taken of someone or something; the regarding of someone or something as interesting or important
Transparency- easy to perceive or detect
Authentic- made or done in the traditional or original way, or in a way that faithfully resembles an original

Pursuing international conferences:
Abstract- dealing with ideas rather than events
Theme- the subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic
Address- a formal speech delivered to an audience
Theoretical- concerned with or involving the theory of a subject or area of study rather than its practical application
Construct- form an idea or theory by bringing together various conceptual elements over a period of time
Method- a particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something
Outcome- the way a thing turns out; a consequence
Emerge- become apparent, important, or prominent
Tentative- done without confidence; hesitant

Knowledge construction in a knowledge economy:
Knowledge- facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education
Theme- the subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic
Construction- the arrangement of words according to syntactical rules
Worker- a person who produces or achieves a specified thing
Economy- careful management of available resources

Creative action:
Look- think of or regard in a specified way
Action- the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim
Way- a method, style or manner of doing something
Frame- a basic structure that underlines or supports a system, concept, or text
Create- to bring something into existence

Engagement- an arrangement to do something or go somewhere at a fixed time
Construction- the arrangement of words according to syntactical rules

Just- based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair
Live- spend one's life in a particular way or under particular circumstances

Shift- change the emphasis, direction, or focus of
Experience- practical contact with and observation of facts or events
Selection- a range of things from which a choice may be made
Conversation- a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged
Goal- the object of a person's ambition or effort
Proclaim- declare something one considers important due to emphasis
Science- the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment

Imagery- visually descriptive or figurative language
Response- a reaction to something
Disclose- allow something to be seen, especially by uncovering it
Own- used with a possessive to emphasize that someone or something belongs or relates to the person mentioned
Singular- denoting or referring to just one person or thing
Multitude- a large number
Simulation- imitation of a situation or process
Depict- poetry in words; describe
Individualization- the unique qualities of each person
Fragment- a small part broken or separated off something

Developing a voice:
Voice- the distinctive tone or style of a literary work or author
Sound- the ideas or impressions conveyed by words
Fact- something that is known or proved to be true
Fiction- invention or fabrication as opposed to fact
Coalesce- come together to form one mass or whole
Agency- action or intervention, especially such as to produce a particular effect
Silence- the avoidance of mentioning or discussing something
Non-cooperation- failure or refusal to cooperate

Simultaneous- occurring, operating, or done at the same time
Reading- the action or skill of reading written or printed matter silently or aloud
Writing- the activity or skill of making coherent words on paper and composing text
Diverse- showing a great deal of variety
Pattern- a regular and intelligible form or sequence discernible in certain actions or situations
Produce- make something using creative or mental skills
Evolve- develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form

Conversation- a talk between two or more people in which news and ideas are exchanged
Position- a particular way in which someone or something is placed or arranged
Widen- make or become wider
Range- a set of different things of the same general type
Care- serious attention or consideration applied to doing something correctly or to avoid damage or risk

Vision- the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom
Sight- a person's view or consideration
Return- come or go back to a place or person
Site- fix or build something in a particular place
Reorient- change the focus or direction of
Phenomenal- perceptible by the senses or through immediate experience
Form- a particular way in which a thing exists or appears
Domain- a specified sphere of activity or knowledge

Anecdote- a short amusing or interesting story about a real indecent or person
Theorizing- the forming of a theory about something
Recount- tell someone about something; give account of an event or experience
Honor- something regarded as a rare opportunity and bringing pride and pleasure; a privilege

Re: Vocabulary

Posted: 05 Dec 2019, 18:23
by carolmoncada
Synthesis- the combination of ideas to form a theory or system
Social- relating to society or its organization
Memory- the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information
Manifold- having many different forms or elements
Unification- the process of being united or made into a whole
Complex- consisting of many different and connected parts
Codify- arrange according to plan
Phenomenology- an approach that concentrates on the study of consciousness and the objects of direct experience

Evolution- the gradual development of something
Emergence- the process of coming into view or becoming exposed after being concealed
Appearance- the way that someone or something looks
Improvise- create and perform spontaneously or without preparation
Art- the processes and products of human creativity and social life
Adaptive- characterized by or given to adaptation
System- a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network

Layer- a quantity or thickness of material covering a surface
Evoke- bring or recall to the conscious mind
Image- the general impression that a person, organization, or product presents to the public
Space- a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied
Inter-subjective- existing between conscious minds

Re: Vocabulary

Posted: 05 Dec 2019, 18:37
by carolmoncada
Substitution- the action of replacing someone or something with another person or thing
Anew- in a new or different and typically more positive way
Satisfaction- a fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this
Performance- the action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an action, task, or function
Audience- the assembled spectators or listeners

Relevance- the quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate
Symbiotic- denoting a mutually beneficial relationship between different people or groups
Part- a piece or segment of something
Connect- bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established
Relationship- the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected

Systematic- done or acting according to a fixed plan
Interplay- the way in which two or more things have an effect on each other
Reflective- relating to or characterized by deep thought
Centrality- the quality of being essential or of the greatest importance

Intersection- a point at which two or more things meet
Dimension- an aspect or feature of a situation, problem or thing
Perspective- a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something
Distance- the avoidance of familiarity
Footnote- an ancillary piece of information printed at the bottom of a page
Center- the point from which an activity or process is directed
Compelling- evoking, interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way
Living- the pursuit of a lifestyle of the specified type
Trope- a figurative or metaphorical use of a word or expression

Re: Vocabulary

Posted: 05 Dec 2019, 18:45
by carolmoncada
Striking- attracting attention by reason of being unusual, extreme, or prominent
Pose- present or constitute
Flow- move along or out steadily and continuously
Moving- make progress; develop in a particular manner or direction
Entity- a thing with distinct and independent existence

Mutation- change or cause to change in form or nature
Motion- propose for discussion and resolution
Media- the main means of mass communication regarded collectively
Ecology- deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings