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Posted: 29 Sep 2019, 19:15
by emilymilich
9/10/19 Class Notes

SOCIALITY: The degree to which mammals interact in social groups
INDIVIDUATION: The way in which a person becomes there individual self
REFLECTION: Intense consideration
FLOW: Continuous stream

Re: Vocab

Posted: 29 Sep 2019, 19:16
by emilymilich
9/17/19 Class Notes

AGHAST: To be in utter shock (usually a negative connotation)
NUANCE: slight difference in something

Re: Vocab

Posted: 29 Sep 2019, 19:40
by emilymilich
Letter: Making Space

FOCUS: the center of what's going on
EVOKE: to bring something to mind
CONTEMPLATE: to consider deeply
DIFFERENCE: the way in which things are not the same
MAKING: to create/produce something
SPACE: a free, expansive area
SOCIAL: the relation to the organizing of society
INNOVATIVE: advanced and original methods

Re: Vocab

Posted: 29 Sep 2019, 19:50
by emilymilich
Letter: Virtual Reality: Our Digital Escape

REFLECT: to think about deeply
REPEAT: to do something more than once
PHRASE: group of words that create a unit
SELECT: choose carefully

Re: Vocab

Posted: 29 Sep 2019, 20:42
by emilymilich
Letter: Restructuring Text

RESTRUCTURE: to recreate the organization
CREATE: to bring existence to something
VALUE: worth
SHARE: to have a portion
PROCESS: steps to achieve a goal
PRACTICE: habitual way of doing something
REFLECTION: deep consideration
SOLITUDE: to be alone
LEARNING: the gain of knowledge through the avenues of experience or structured teaching

Re: Vocab

Posted: 29 Sep 2019, 21:20
by emilymilich
Letter: Sharing What We See When We Read

THEATRE: collaborative live art
METAPHOR: the application of a figure of speech that does not actually apply
SEE: to view
IMAGE: the view of something
MOVE: the change of position
PLAY: recreational activity used to derive joy
FRAME: to formulate
STRUCTURE: how parts are arranged
SCENE: the place in which an event occurs
ACROSS: represents movement from one side to another
AISLE: a passage for movement
SYNTAX: an arrangement of words to form a sentence
CONJURE: to materialize something
RELEVANT: appropriate to the circumstance
READING: the understanding of a collection of symbols that create words that are stringed into sentences to be interpreted
INTERPRET: understand
PROCESS: steps used to reach a desired goal
HUB: the center of (social) activity
NETWORK: connection of people or items
SINGULARITY: the fact of being single
DIFFERENCE: the part that makes things not the same
CONNECT: to link

Re: Vocab

Posted: 29 Sep 2019, 21:23
by emilymilich
Letter: Logistics

RAISED: elevated above
SHARED: to be distributed
RIGHT: what is correct
MOMENT: a part of time that is used to pinpoint something specific

Re: Vocab

Posted: 29 Sep 2019, 21:38
by emilymilich
Letter: Simulating a Society

PLATFORM: a way to create heightened view by elevating the surface
MOMENTOUS: important
FORMATION: an arrangement
DRAMATIC: theatrical behavior
TRANSFORM: to bring metamorphosis to something or someone
UNDERSTANDING: comprehension
MAPPING: creating a strategy
SIMULATE: to create a fake version of something real

Re: Vocab

Posted: 29 Sep 2019, 21:41
by emilymilich
Letter: Reading the Other's Texts

IMMERSE: to deeply become a part of something
DEEP: to extend greatly
UNDERSTANDING: comprehending
MODE: the way in which something is done
READING: the understanding and interpretation of sentences

Re: Vocab

Posted: 29 Sep 2019, 22:15
by emilymilich
Letter: New Forms of Intimacy and Friendship

INTIMACY: a closeness that provides comfort
AGENCY: the action of something by itself
EMOTION: instinctive thoughts controlling mood
CREATIVITY: the state of an individual where they can create
SELF: who a person is at their core
FORM: something with a specific arrangement
FRIENDSHIP: a relationship of camaraderie between people

Re: Vocab

Posted: 29 Sep 2019, 22:19
by emilymilich
Letter: Theory of Assemblages

SOCIAL: the basis of a society
ONTOLOGY: nature of being
AUTONOMY: self-governance
ENTITY: a prominent existence
ASSEMBLAGES: gathering of people or things
FLOW: continuous stream

Re: Vocab

Posted: 29 Sep 2019, 22:23
by emilymilich
Letter: Reassembling the Social

SIFT: flow through a type of differentiater
SORT: categorize
SELECT: to pick
ASSEMBLE: to gather
ASSOCIATE: to connect
EMERGE: to come to prominence
ENTER: to come in
REVEAL: to bring to light