Re: Interactive Assignments
Posted: 19 Dec 2019, 04:12
by annamelby
Unique Innovative Capabilities
Responding to Emily's posts through this semester has been an interesting learning experience and Emily has a vocab like no one else I have met in America. She has the ability to use the words when she both speaks and writes to persuade and and for herself for that as a person of intelligence integrity and honesty I have truly enjoyed getting to know Emily and learning from her vocab. Advancing my own vocab by learning from her, she is very kind and takes the time to explain things to me when I don't understand or when I don't know what a word in English means which helps me get a deeper understanding of the overall all English language and how you can take the time to learn words that can help you in the long run being more confident and becoming more intelligent.
Word Pool:
o Meeting
o Collaborating
o Teamwork
• Structures
o Arrangements
o Systems
• Integrated
o Consolidated
o Incorporated
o Combined
o Fused
o Associated
o Melded
o Knitted
o Conjoined
o Compacted
o United
o Meshed
o Linked
o Joined
o Blended
o Assimilated
• Networking
o Schmoozing
o Mingling
o Connecting
o Coordination
o Setup
o Classification
o Entity
• Consolidated Connecting Arrangements
o Consolidated connecting arrangements allow for like individuals to meet.
• United Collaborating Setup
o Individuals converge with ideas under a united collaborating setup.
• Linked Meeting Systems
o Linked meeting systems help individuals expand knowledge and social horizons.
• Consolidated connecting arrangements allow for like individuals to meet.
o When I went to my first sort of consolidated connecting arrangement, I was only sixteen, and it was for the Future Business Leaders of America club at my high school. There was always an important emphasis, and still is, in the business world of being able to connect with people who can help you advance your career. It made me really uncomfortable. Being at this huge conference to present my project was all I wanted to do. I didn’t want to go around the room at lunch and force people into conversation with me. For me, I didn’t really understand what seemed like building a forced web of connections. I didn’t like to inconvenience strangers by forcing them into roles of mentorship, when I knew they probably had so many more students my age working towards the same goal. It felt very artificial to me, the whole system. While I learned to benefit from it later in life, I’ll never forget how opposed I was to this system in the beginning. It was all because the connecting arrangements felt manufactured to me. Forced to be consolidated when there was really no factor that connected people besides the fact that they both understood what this connecting game was.
• Individuals converge with ideas under a united collaborating setup.
o When I think about united collaborating setups, I think of unionization in the workplace. United collaborating setups seem like a great source of solidarity among the united. I feel as though the connotation is more positive because it seems more genuine. I’m taking a class on resistance in America and in our unions unit we I got to learn about famous labor union movements, and if I had to describe them, I would call them united collaborating setups. During the strike at Woolworth’s for better pay and working conditions, the women resisting were together in their cause, and took care of each other in order to make it through. Together they setup this strike and saw it through. Again, I look to this notion of solidarity, and I feel like a united collaborating setup is a good example of that. While I personally have never been on strike or have unionized, I think that this term is best fitting in those scenarios. It shows that solidarity by showing the dependence that those collaborating have with each other. I think that I take such interest in unionization, not only because of my class, but my dad is in a union, which makes stories of unionization more interesting to me and brings in a different perspective on it.
• Linked meeting systems help individuals expand knowledge and social horizons.
o A linked meeting system that I have experienced within my life would be my student organization. When I think about linked meeting systems and how it has expanded my social and knowledgeable horizons, it’s because in both aspects I’m gaining a learning experience. In terms of knowledge, it is with the people in this system that I learned how to do my job as business manager. I manage all the money and through meeting my advisor and predecessor, I was able to learn my responsibilities and how to handle the money. Socially, this is where the thought of a linked meeting system becomes more prevalent. I joined this club because it aligned with my interests, the same for the other people involved. Through our linked interests we were able to meet with each other and operate in the system that is our executive board. This has helped me expand my social horizons, because between the twenty of us there are a lot of different personalities. Some of them I really like, some of them not so much. Whenever I interact with some of the people in my club, I wonder if the club is genuinely all we have in common, because we don’t click. With others, I look forward to interacting them, and the club as a linked meeting system is something so small in comparison to the other things that connect us.
1. Structure
a. Complex Adaptive Systems
2. Word Pool
a. Complex
i. Complicated
ii. Difficult
iii. Tangled
iv. Mixed-Up
v. Compound
vi. Convoluted
vii. Elaborate
v. Structure
vi. Classification
vii. Entity
viii. Intricate
ix. Involved
x. Sophisticated
b. Adaptive
i. Flexible
ii. Modifiable
iii. Alter
iv. Fit
v. Acclimate
vi. Condition
vii. Edit
viii. Fashion
ix. Shape
c. Systems
i. Network
ii. Arrangement
iii. Organization
iv. Scheme
3. Re-Structure
a. Complicated Modifiable Networks
a. Complicated modifiable networks allow for continual change.
b. Intricate Fashionable Structures
a. The versatility of something is dependent on whether or not it is an intricate fashionable structure.
c. Sophisticated Editable Organizations
a. Sophisticated editable organizations are meant for creating difference.
• Complicated modifiable networks allow for continual change.
o The most meaningful complicated modifiable network that I have been a part of would have to be this small training gym I go to in the summer. The building itself is very small, and there is minimal equipment, all of it is free weights or bands, allowing you to basically do anything with it. This gym is a complicated modifiable network because it allows for the work you put in to change based off of how your body changes. I’m very athletic, and I like to stay in shape, endurance-wise. As my body built endurance and resistance to the weights and the workouts, I was able to have everything modified in order to make it harder. I was able to be put into different small group classes or networks, because as my ability changed, so did the group of people that I worked out with. I found that with the liberty this gym provided, my strength, speed, and endurance was continually able to improve.
The versatility of something is dependent on whether or not it is an intricate fashionable structure.
The thought of an intricate fashionable structure makes me think of the honors classes I had in high school. Even though that was a long time ago, I felt like they were really just a joke and a title. These classes were structures in and of themselves because every classroom is a structure. It’s built up of particular people, the instructor has a specific method for teaching the class, and there is a progression of a lesson that is built on throughout the year. Where this structure becomes intricate and fashionable is with who is put in the class and how that affects the structure itself. Often times, if you just asked, they’d put you in an honors class. I liked that at first, they were small and quiet. They allowed you to focus on your work without anyone being distracting or being defiant of the teacher. As more people decided they wanted to do them solely for their college application, the honors classes just became a mess. While the people put into it originally were there to just do their work, the intricate roster soon became a mess as it was just anyone who wanted the honors accolade. The class was fashioned to move quickly without complaint, but soon it started to slow down as students complained that they didn’t want to do the work, or have a test, or basically do anything that you’re supposed to do in any classroom, let alone an honors class. The lessons in class became so versatile to the point where sometimes we were doing work or three to four people would eventually break down the teacher to the point where we didn’t do anything that day. In this sense, the fashioning of the structure, it’s ability to be tailored to the environment around it, is a sign of failure.
Sophisticated editable organizations are meant for creating a difference.
A sophisticated editable organization that I have seen create difference would be the work of the student organizations on campus. Specifically, the ones that work to bring awareness to issues on campus or to build inclusivity. The other day I was approached by my friend who is on Student Senate and a part of DIVE. These are sophisticated organizations as they are built off of systems that allow them to have a structure that is well put together and built to last the duration of the year, and the duration of the next and the next. These organizations are editable because their purpose is editable. Once they accomplish one goal, they’re able to change their whole mission without changing the purpose of the organization itself. For example, their work to have more gender-neutral bathrooms on campus is a goal that DIVE is pursuing at the moment, but once they accomplish that, they are able to switch gears completely, and it will not change who their organization is at the core.
Dynamic Decision Making
Word Pool:
Compelling Outcome Creating
Compelling outcome creating is done when a problem needs to be solved pragmatically.
Influential Resolution Producing
When influential resolution producing occurs, it is a strategic play.
Powerful Choice Constructing
Powerful choice constructing is what gives individuals the opportunity to feel empowered.
Compelling outcome creating is done when a problem needs to be solved pragmatically.
Whenever I think of compelling outcome creating, I think back to the internship I did this summer with a media group. Interning there was different everyday. For three days straight I may just be making copies, calling clients to check in, and accompanying my boss shopping. That was all fine, but what I really enjoyed was having my own projects that I was able to work on. I like to think of myself as creative, and I was often stuck running numbers because I was good at it. I didn’t enjoy doing that, because numbers are routine. Anyone can do anything when they’re handed a simple formula. I prefered the part of my role where I got to address the interests of my demographic with my work. The media group I worked for had me working at a radio station that was geared towards women in my age range, so finding ways to create promotions that interest them is something that I really enjoyed doing. Compelling outcome creating was done by me when I made presentations based off of promotions I had come up with. I would plan giveaways, figure out all of the items that would be involved, how it would run, identify potential sponsors to pay for these items, and then hand my work over to the company. This was compelling outcome creating because it solved the issue of getting listeners more engaged with the station, in turn, the media group. A few of my ideas were sold and actually aired. They helped stimulate a lot of interaction between the station and the local demographic. While I don’t own the work I did, therefore I just don’t bother keeping up with what else is sold, I like to think of my work as a compelling outcome created by me, since it served its intended purpose.
When influential resolution producing occurs, it is a strategic play.
An example of influential resolution producing in my life would be when I had to stay on my high school track and field team even when I didn’t want to. During my senior year of high school, I desperately wanted to quit track because I got an after school job, which is what I preferred to go to in my free time. I honestly didn’t see any reason for me to keep up with the sport in my final year as I wasn’t going to be competing in college. The events I competed in had very few people on my team interested in doing them, but we all got along really well and enjoyed each other’s company. I was one of two seniors on the team, while everyone else in my events were younger than me. I tried many times to talk to my coach about leaving the team, but he was not having it and offered me a lot of alternative options for practice if I just stayed on the team and competed. He could be hard to deal with sometimes for all of us, but always meant well. At first, I thought that it was great that I was going to be able to practice on my own and go to work after my classes instead of an almost three hour practice, but I realized that the small group of people in one of my events, was eventually just not coming. Because the event had so few people to choose from for meets, no one was getting kicked off, they were just falling behind. I don’t think anyone realized that I actually had to practice in order to compete, and show that I was practicing through my performance. After the second meet of us doing terrible, because nobody was practicing, I produced the influential resolution to this issue, by coming to practice for half the time that it lasted, to at least set an example, going to work, and then making up the rest of practice on my own time. While this didn’t make everyone shift their perspective on the effort the team deserved from them, it got a few people I was close with to kind of understand that our team and our coach deserved more from us than we were giving. I think that my resolution to my practice problems as a senior had a bit of influence on how the younger participants of my event viewed the importance of practice and actually being apart of a team.
Powerful choice constructing is what gives individuals the opportunity to feel empowered.
Powerful choice constructing is a part of my life often at this point, because I feel like a lot of the choices I am making at this point in my career, in my education, and personally are done much more thoughtfully now. I try to empower myself with the choices I make towards my goals. Next semester, I am studying abroad in Spain. This was a powerful choice I constructed, because it is a complete shift in the way my life will be lived for four months. I had to construct this all by applying for a program, a passport, and a visa. Not only that, but constantly having to obtain signatures, legal identification, and travel plans. I also had to make my family feel comfortable with this transition. Studying abroad is a powerful choice for me. I have never left the country, but I want to be someone who can operate in a business capacity on a global level. I don’t think that can be done if you have never gone away from your own country. Other countries are structured differently, have different cultures, all the things you have to consider when looking at a global market. This choice is also powerful because it gives me an experience, which can never be taken from a person. It gives me the opportunity to grow emotionally, and to diversify the way I think. With matters of the mind, the more you take in, the more empowered you are, as this knowledge adds to your perspective and how you convey it.
Unique Innovative Capabilities
Word Pool:
Rare New Competence
Rare new competence is an opportunity for great leadership.
Different Original Means
Different original means gives new alternatives for problem solving.
Particular Ingenious Skill
Those with particular ingenious skills find success in their work.
Felt Experience:
Rare new competence is an opportunity for great leadership.
The reason I got to take on a new level of leadership in my club is thanks to a rare new competence. I am currently the business manager for the student entertainment committee, and I was only able to obtain this heavily mathematical role through my coursework at URI. It’s rare to find people who are good at math, and I’m pretty good at it. I don’t say that in a conceited way, but an honest one. I don’t really struggle with most types of math (except geometry, but I don’t use that ever). This new competence with math came when I became confident with my math skills, which was through me doing well in my math classes here. I felt comfortable enough to apply for a position that was very analytical. This rare new competence was the reason I was able to take the role. I was there, and no one else was. I took my competence and used it to show leadership, by taking on a senior level position.
Different original means gives new alternatives for problem solving.
When I look at different original means, I think about when I would babysit my three cousins. In high school, my aunt would pay me to watch her kids a lot, which was fine with me because it was normally for a few hours, and it was good money. They were all really well behaved, so it was fine. One day, I had to spend the whole day with them. I picked them up from school, which I never normally did, and they were immediately hard to handle from that point in the day. I had never dealt with them fighting, throwing tantrums, or being anything but well-behaved, and it caught me off-guard. I had to come up with a different original means to handle them that day, because I’ve never had to discipline them. I never normally gave them sweets, because I’d typically watch them at night, and I didn’t want them to be too hyper to go to bed. I also don’t really think that little kids should be eating lots of sugar, but I figured since I never let them have that kind of stuff, I’d set up a small ice cream bar for them, to hopefully put them in a better mood. When they were done with that, I let them play in the yard since it wasn’t dark out, which they typically couldn’t do until after they did their homework, so that they would get all of their energy out. While this may be something that other babysitters did all the time, to these kids who have a pretty structured day, it was different and original, and for me it was a means to put them in a happier mood where they were more manageable to deal with. Different original means, don’t always have to be big breakthroughs in technology or science. They can sometimes be small changes in regimen that can change the outcome of an entire day.
Those with particular ingenious skills find success in their work.
This semester, I took a course on protest and resistance in America, and in this course we learned not to focus solely on one specific person in a movement, but I find them to be important in their individual activism/organizing for the skills they possessed to spark resistance. One individual we discussed was Reverend William Barber, who led the Moral Mondays protests in North Carolina. While I don’t live anywhere near the Moral Mondays protests, I really admire the particular ingenious skills that Rev Barber has applied to his protests. He utilizes non-violence, which I really admire, but also the use of symbolism in his protests to gain attention. These tactics have been used by many ingenious organizers, but what makes his skills so particular, and makes him ingenious, is his ability to turn his church open to everybody and use it as a space for everybody interested in aiding his support of morality in politics. This attempt to expand his reach is ingenious, as he creates a space for all people who agree with him, not just those who agree with his religion, and I find that admirable.
Facial Expressions: cold, worried, dishonest
Text: cold, place setting, Christmas Tree
Cold: annoyed, fed up, over it
Worried: uncomfortable, fearful, scared
Dishonest: lies, deceit
Cold: snow, frost/ice, warm tea
Place Setting: place mat, plate, spoon, fork, knife
Christmas Tree: ornaments, gifts, stockings
Posts: 26
Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 19:56
Re: Individual Assignments
by annamelby » 10 Dec 2019, 10:55
12 Words from the social meeting:
- connected
- together
- learning experience
- fun
- teamwork
- individuals
- community
- personal
- relationship building
- friends & teammates
- exchanging words and advancing knowledge
- networking with peers
Posts: 26
Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 19:56
Re: Individual Assignments- 10 Steps
by annamelby » 16 Dec 2019, 14:10
Posts: 26
Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 19:56
Re: Individual Assignments
by annamelby » 16 Dec 2019, 14:11
Posts: 26
Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 19:56
Re: Individual Assignments
by annamelby » 16 Dec 2019, 14:11
Unique Innovative Capabilities
Posts: 177
Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 19:21
Re: Individual Assignments
Unread post
by emilymilich » 17 Dec 2019, 13:13
My words for the four global phenomena:
Integrated Networking Structures
Complex Adaptive Systems
Dynamic Decision Making