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Class Notes

Posted: 19 Sep 2019, 09:58
by emilymilich

Going to be forming a society in groups of three

Syllabus says:
Looking at different perspectives and fishbowl has this mentality: "We are all watching each other"
When we are looking at each other:
I am looking at you, looking at me, looking at you
Based off PVD Waterfire

Class requires immersion
This is through the fishbowl
Give it 15 mins everyday (treat it like Twitter)

Vocab is important in this class
Expand it and it will expand your view of the world

Not about getting it right
No judgement
No right or wrong
Copying needs interpretation
Find your position in this class

When you get letters, write the bolded words out from a real dictionary and put it in the fishbowl
American Heritage 5th Edition
Change it a bit to make it make sense to you if need be
First thing in Fishbowl is vocab

Next in fishbowl you need to take class notes

Sharing, imagination, and experience, feeling, words
Done through felt experiences
Get in touch with the images in your mind
How do you see the world?
What are the images in your mind?
Link words to images

We need to learn to share our feelings (positively)
With no judgments

What does it mean to form a society
Share your felt experience

We're learning one word at a time
We're learning how to create word structures (sentences)
We're sharing images that our words evoke
As we do this we become a society and a tight knit group

You can get anything you want
Create a reality where there is no other choice, but to give it to you
Can be for evil as well

Do your reading three times

Derrida: Deconstruction
Method we are following in the letters

We are creating knowledge

No exams, no deadlines, but professor is going on fishbowl everyday
But not doing work hurts your group

Learn to use our words carefully
Be selective of our words

Re: Class Notes

Posted: 19 Sep 2019, 10:33
by emilymilich

Fishbowl tutorial
Go to to get to the fishbowl
Subforums -> Sanjiv's Letters 345: BUS in Society is what you want to look at
Maximizes your return for your money
You want to use fishbowl to exercise your mind as well
Looking at yourself to see how your mind looks
Working with yourself
Eyes, self, and words you type are the three things you're looking at

Don't worry about letters piling up
We are trying to form a society

Fishbowl is going to help you create jobs like the guy who taught interviewing to 15 people and made $45,000 in three days

Connectivity is big
Learning how to connect
Connecting with each other
Connecting with this class and the other class

Making a commitment to read every text of my group member
Connection with other people will happen in my head and through the exchange of symbols
We connect through words

We lead symbolic lives
We lead textual lives
Text means words
We lead lives of words
We live within words
Writing our words for the sake of the group (to add value to the group)
Carefully selecting words

Looking to change the way you think in order to change your life

Don't compare yourself or think you're behind because your numbers on fishbowl are lower

To get an A, just ask how yo get one
Copy someone's process and find your own way

Restructuring creates value (as does selection)

Put all categories under each section
Post reply for the next class of notes or vocabulary or letter response (respond to your old posts)

You're creating knowledge
When you put things in divisions and subdivisions you're creating knowledge
Creating your own reality and sociability
Sustaining each other's life by selecting words an adding to the group
The interaction is always in the head

Fishbowl requires focus

Distraction means I'm not slowing down, focusing, selecting my words nor substituting them to create value

If you used your phone to create value you'd be walking on air
Creating value is a habit and takes discipline and us reminding ourselves

Entering fishbowl to create value for two other people

It takes courage to put something out there

We have to have empathy on the spot nowadays

Our differences are realized in our mental structures
Determined by the selection of words
The differences in the words we've selected
We're trying to connect across these differences

We're playing a game right through the semester

We have 11 letters
Do vocab post in our group and the name of the letter

All about dictionary and reading other people
Say "How so?"
Always ask "how so"

Your difference is everything

Meeting socially with groups
Social meetings exercise

1. Pre-individual
Write notes before meeting under pre-individual about meeting

2. Ethnographic notes
Are open-ended, social, over a drink, and have a chat about anything and everything except the class
Notes are private
Immediately write about what happened afterwards (conversation and physical notes keep detailed)

3. Look at notes an circle 6 words (6 symbols)

4. Pairing words into three pairs
Making dichotomies
E.g. structure -> Word 1/Word 2

5. Dichotomy is when two words are not related to each other (opposites) and take meanings of those words further through dictionary
Create simple sentences (3 sentences total) under each sentence write a short paragraph describing social meeting and it should fit with the meeting
The sentences will not relate to the social meeting

"Creating history as possibility" - Paolo Ferriera

Don't copy someone else because you want to experience it for yourself
Looking for difference

Re: Class Notes

Posted: 01 Oct 2019, 15:45
by emilymilich

Give hard copies of social media exercise and then upload it to Fishbowl as well
Try to keep up, as not to let your group down
Not strict about deadlines but it extends for a day or two or three
These things will be cleared up as time goes on

The social exercise itself
Students described it as easy, interesting, effortless
It’s supposed to be easy and fun

Take one step in and determining where to go from there
The words you’re selecting are being picked carefully before you go into the market
Responses are equivalent to lecturing you on it
That’s where the learning is going to be

You’re learning to construct meaning
Constructing meaning for yourself
Not searching for the truth of the letter

URI students don’t know what the presentations they’re making mean
Can’t read and reproduce, you won’t understand
You’re constructing meaning
Deconstructing the meaning (Derrida)
Looking at the options to substitute that word, and then you reframe the sentence from the letter
One substituted word can change results from the meaning
Each person thinks individually from the selection of words
That is where our difference builds from

Identifying our differences shows how you’re innovative and creative
Can only innovate if you’re open to different ideas
Different words
Different substituted words
Must be open to all views

When you select a particular word you presented a particular idea
Select a word and show what it symbolizes
No right or wrong, just take the action
Action is in the typing and in the head

The social media exercise breaks the ice between the three people
It gives a human view to each other
You are able to change your groups
It’s good to help each other, but you don’t have to be together
Look at the word friendship
Friendship in the workplace
Work is then done much better, happier, easier, and faster
Creates intersubjective spaces
You want your selected words, symbols, ideas are making an impact to the group
Looking at each other as symbols and creating a symbolic space
Eyes looking at eyes

We are learning non-linear thinking
It’s not about being confused but about thinking in ways where your mind is working and you’re showing it

We are craftsmen of words
Critical making
Making things but making them critically
Critically means different perspectives
Can’t do a thing without critical thinking
Working to be a phenomenologist
Phenomenologist means that you are looking at phenomenon
Come up with a point of view and you’re always sharing how you see it
Comes down to the word/symbol you’ve selected

When you Google something you pull out something you want to hang your hat on
Have to know these names being in higher education and what they’re saying

There is no judgement, but there is a lot of work
You’re looking at your process and you’re sharing it
Making your process useful to other people and to yourself and your careers

Going to look at the friendship in all of this
Coming up is Integrated Networking Structures
The Algorithm has 10 steps and is similar to the friendship exercise
You own your text
Come into that sense of ownership with your text
Ownership means that nobody can copy your text without citing you
In a knowledge economy the exchange of information and the ownership of your text is the key currency
That’s what makes you rich

Our text moves things and turns them upside down
You want your words to change the reality
Make sure your vocabulary means something to you
Do it very carefully
Learning through association
That is what contemplation is
Meditation is when these thoughts keep coming and you’re getting rid of them
Keeping your mind blank
Contemplation is focusing on the words and the associations and you’re focusing it down
The dictionary is the tool box
American Heritage is a good dictionary to have a hard copy of
Learning to ABSTRACT
Creating RELATION to make an abstract sentence
FELT-EXPERIENCE is a feeling that you experience
The felt-experience has to fit the abstraction
Abstract from the confusion around the felt-experience (how we typically deal with this)
How far can you tweak until it becomes FICTION
We are proceeding upside down

Re: Class Notes

Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 12:30
by emilymilich
Class Notes 10/22

Catch up to move on
It’s these kinds of dichotomies in our speech that we are learning
It’s not about numbers
We are learning to learn
Shift your attention (in this course)

Integrated Networking Structures
Make sure that there are hard copies given
You will receive feedback on them
Creating and constructing knowledge
Creating something through text and images
Creating a sociality
Learning to create a better society
Sharing your knowing is how you create a better society
This is through self-reflection
Self-reflection is what goes through your mind when you look at a specific word, symbol, or text
Add value to the group

Doing this all through social constructivism
The social construction of reality
Symbolic interaction
Action research
Auto-ethnography - looking at the connectedness emanating through you

See and experience yourself as a hub
As a node in a network
How to become a team leader… you’re practicing it now
Looking at diversity differently
Looking at our differences in the selection of symbols that we make
We are all footnotes, but we are now at the center of the page
We are unique, and that affects the group
You’re in the group to add value to the group
In a way that adds value to yourself and the larger group

You have to bring the self-reflection up to par
Weaknesses have to be pointed out to you in order to do better
Little errors can be corrected
You’re learning to empower your text
We are learning through felt-experience
Learning to send a text where the other person finds value
You’re learning to create value through words
Words are backed up with felt-experiences
Otherwise computers can do it better than you
The world wants to know about the American felt-experience
Learning how to say it well
It’s a world connected thing
You need to tell what’s going on in a way that creates value

It’s important to praise each other
It has to be done in a way where you’re enhancing each other
Your connection with each other is between the three of you
Creating an archive of your interaction
It’s not about the professor and me, it’s about me and my group

Giving a hard copy helps you get to the A-category because you can get the needed feedback
Must know how to abstract
Know how symbols interact with each other
There is an importance with dichotomies
Playing it safe does not make you innovative
Vocabulary is important, but it’s important to throw in reflections too
You need to tune in everyday to get an A
The journey is inwards
You’re learning to write a textbook
You’re abstracting from your personal experiences

When do you put the pen down
Learning to self-organize yourself
Must always return to the site
The work is never finished

Starting with an opening structure
Integrated Networking Structures is the first
Forming a word pool-the wider the better
Substituting words for integrated, networking, and structure
You can put together a statement for each
Your pithy statement is a snapshot that is abstract without the person
You give a felt-experience to it
Changing INS to a pithy statement that makes sense humanly
Then write a felt-experience that fits it
Felt-experience should fit the abstraction
Then read each others and give each other your perceptual category, your own included (9)
Can be arbitrary
Stay in-tune with each other
Sharing your perceptions to let the other person know
Perceptual categories should be shared
You open each other’s eyes
Then you create a dichotomy from the nine words
Link two random words to jointly create another pithy statement
Create a word pool
Take the dichotomy words and take them further
Jointly come up with the second pithy statement
Then do next felt-experience alone
Joint-abstraction with individual felt-experience
Then you do 9 perceptual categories again, and that’s the end
Never-ending story
The tenth step is realization and insight
Just look up those words and write them down then relate both words to the 9 steps
One way to do it is to pick out two or three words
Link these words and realize that they could be linked, I now have insight
The steps are the same, and you’re linking 2 to 3 word images together
You can only create it when you create a sentence and back it up with a felt-experience
Next week we owe a completed ten-steps as a group

A felt-experience is related to an incident that happened to you
A personal story that fits the sentence
Write the sentence really long, then break it down small, changing it
You must be in-touch with yourself
Theorize a lot and the feeling and story will pop up in your head
Don’t try to copy the letters, you’re learning the ten steps
Create an abstraction with a short, past, interpreted felt-experience
They are part fiction, as in you are interpreting it a particular way and making it fit
Get a hard copy to class by Tuesday of next week
Don’t worry about getting it right, the hard copy will help you find your errors
“You’re blinking when the ball is coming at you”

Make sure you’re staying on task with everything in the class
November 21st is the day for the conference in Spain
You must do your work to be put on the abstract
The motivation is that very quickly the work becomes astounding

Can’t be dependent on feedback and affirmation in this class
You have to know when you feel satisfied and communicate that
We are calibrating each other’s minds
Calibration is meaningless without felt-experience
Add a felt-experience with letter reflections
You should be taking things further with a word or phrase in the letters

It is about people
Value can’t be outsourced because it’s inside your head
It has to do with cognition
Expressions are important
Power dynamics are very important
Give the evidence that you learned something so you can be given a grade
We need students know how to learn
Google: Peter Senge “The Learning Organization” (“The Fifth Discipline”)
Recruiters are looking for people who have good ideas
In the Fishbowl we are developing ideas
Ideas are words (they must be relevant)

Letter reflections should be short
About a paragraph
Write the theory and then add felt-experiences

Re: Class Notes

Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 13:41
by emilymilich
Class Notes 10/18

Need to post regularly and on time
Looking to see your patterns for posting at the end of the semester, so develop that pattern
Post concept of letters
We're trying to create a social environment
3 of us
3 interacting within a CONTEXT
How are we going to do it
The class as the universe

Diversity helps
Fishbowl work will be better
You don't want people who think just like you

Looking at social through transnational corporations (global business)
Bartlett and Ghosal looked at these and did a study into what made them successful
Going to develop a knowledge and knowing of a successful global business

4 Characteristics
Integrated Networking Structures

1. Structure
Entering the unknown with a given structure

2. Gathering Words
Word pool
Going to the dictionary (the bigger the better)
Writing words down carefully - the more you write down the greater the possibilities
Be contextual and relevant
Doing gathering at this point

3. Re-Structure
Rewriting sentences and substituting/simplifying words
Make it as simple as you can
Want to be using all three concepts
Take these words further so there's no stopping you
Not about meaning,it's about the substitution

4. Felt-Experience
Now in first person "I" comes into this
Your felt experience is your story
Describing an incident, explaining it, it's coming from your memory
You experience t
Need to match it to 3 (3 and 4 must fit together)
We are becoming a workless society so you need to bring your experience
Takes thinking, interpreting, imagining, and visualizing
Grounds you in reality
Learning to be the teller not the told

5. Now you're starting interaction
Work with your group the 3 people
You work for the other people in your group
Give one word to the groupmates work
Reduce it t one word and you will give yourself one word
Reductionist technique to one symbol
You don't want to be told what to think
You'll ideally have 9 words

6. Step 6 is also done interactively
Forming a dichotomy out of 9 words
Make them as unrelated as possible (look at opposites)
Do not use adjectives
Each person throws in their pairings and you develop it

7. Word pool
Back to being on your own

8. Structure creation
Doing this JOINTLY
Bring both your separate structures and edit it
INFLECTION point- your ideas are changing
Contingent on the dichotomy you created

9. Felt-experience
On your own again
Will have tree felt-experiences

10. Perceptual categories
When you get to step 10 you learn to do it

Dynamic decision making
Travel fast in your mind
Don't just follow steps

Abstract on friendship in the workplace for conference

The limits of your mind determined by your dictionary

Re: Class Notes

Posted: 29 Oct 2019, 12:03
by emilymilich

The deadline is coming up to write the abstract
It is evaluating the text
Good, bad, and ugly
We are all a part of this
Make sure that you are caught up
We expect to get our abstract accepted and if we do, we will have 6 students to be paid
Three girls and three boys to go to the conference
Creating authorship and a digital footprint
We will be connected for life based off this digital aspect

We are all the same people, and we have to turn the tide
Not a great legacy
This can’t continue like this

The syllabus applies directly to what we’ve done
We are emphasizing the integrated one

Society has become fragmented
We live in a liquid society
We have multiple personalities, but if we take it too far it’s a disorder
In the Fishbowl you are a different persona
It is selective and democratic
You decide what structure you’re going to create
It is strategy and cognitive, it’s mental
The product is now always digital
The product is our fishbowl
You need to take ownership
If you don’t want authorship, reach out and say so

You are not necessarily trying to understand what is said
You are taking it down to figure it out later
You have to like your work
You want to get real about each other, talk to each other as equals, and enhance each other
We are leveraging each other
This class is more than just three credits
We don’t want to just check off these boxes
We will fill the boxes, but that’s not who we are
Who we are is in our singular fishbowls
The market has become singular
Fishbowl is a caricature of you
It’s idealistic because you make the selections and choices
We calibrate ourselves accordingly
It’s your life, you’re making it
Your fishbowl is a reflection of who you can become
It is rooted in your felt-experience
It’s experiential learning

We are learning to theorize
Nothing happens without theory
You don’t see it, but you must be able to identify it
Theory and practice are the yin and yang
You go to school for the theory
Then you live your life practicing it
Then there is process

Visualize the syllabus as an abstract
Think about your ten steps in reference to the Toni Morrison quote
Transformed your experience of space and time
You’re communicating your images, stories, and selections to each other
Social spaces of visual reality
Stay connected to words and to text in a meaningful way
Fishbowl is CMC Computer-mediated communication
GOOGLE: Computer-mediated communication
Individualization of work and fragmentation of societies
Our ten steps are a way of seeing and being in the world
The abstract is telling the reader what we are doing
We want to be reviewed by experts, peers, and to be told it’s interesting
If this abstract passes through, it can take you a lot of places
The text is a responsibility
Don’t shortchange or underestimate yourself
You represent possibilities
Sanjiv represents history
It is only history that give you perspective
Perspective means distance to see the whole picture
Gender relations are fundamental
Need to know feminist theory or you’re behind

Use communication technology to create value
This will make us money
Learning how to create value
Is this of value to the people at the conference or not?
What do we get out of it?
It’s all about learning from day one
You’re going to be the team leader
A leader today is by definition, a teacher as well
When you graduate you will be looked at as a leader

We are the network society
We have to get into images
Visual reality
We have gotten the first bit of how these structures create a social space
It’s about a way of seeing

Read your syllabus again with ten steps in mind
You are doing this again for complex adaptive systems
The third is dynamic decision making
The fourth is unique innovative capabilities
These are due ASAP they are a moving target
These are the three opening structures and you’re going to finish these with the ten steps
They constitute 40% of your grade
These are the characteristics of successful global business/organizations
They are the way we do business today
They come from the research of Bartlett and Ghosal
By the time you finish all 4 you’ll have an idea of what these characteristics are and what they entail
By the time you finish it, you’ve got your foot in the door about it
As you start doing the second, third, and fourth, there will be more information coming on each of them
We will still be meeting on Tuesday, but we are on our own with the remaining three
An A only goes to someone who isn’t making life more difficult
Can’t ask fundamental questions anymore
Ask each other your questions
When you ask questions Sanjiv will you move down to and A-

Re: Class Notes

Posted: 05 Nov 2019, 12:03
by emilymilich
Class Notes 11/5

Hard copies are only if you want to
Attendance is important
Show up in class, even if not much is being said
It is the only time you will meet as a group
Everyone in the B+ and A- range based off what is handed in

Regularity and reflections are very important in the Fishbowl
Self-reflections need examples
Don’t talk about another class’ group examples
Must be in the nitty-gritty of it all
Push your mind further
All of these moments are fragile
Then a shift takes place in your learning or perception
The shifts are what you want to capture
Shifts empower your texts
Underline theory in your paragraphs and raise the question: how so?

Structures are all very good
Take it further
Re-structure is meant to be in a single sentence
Always take it further
The further you take these words the simpler they become
This makes the felt experience easier
Learning is just proceeding in leaps and bounds
When you present it people will relate to you
Anecdotal stories
Experiences are very powerful

Do not use adjectives for dichotomies
Learning deep thinking/deep learning
Deep thinking: Google Search this
Google it and pull out a sentence
Hang your hat on the sentence
Anecdotal theory Jane Gallup: Google Search this
What you pull out shows how serious you are

Next is Complex Adaptive Systems
Give a hard copy next week
Finish all four as soon as you can
Keep working on them
Building four short papers interactively
Keep these ongoing always
The viewer is thinking about their own business or situation onto your text
Abstract Expressionism: Google Search this

As we finish these, we are on the home stretch of this class
The understanding comes and goes
Revisit and get to know these terms
You’re approaching these terms from several levels
Don’t be stuck on some textbook definition
Develop it yourself
Keep informed where you’re at with these papers

Abstract expressionism in regard to papers
Captured and configured spontaneity
Did this consciously
Performative writing/action writing/active learning
You performed it when you acted on it
That is the choice you made, the selection
Started with an empty canvas (page)
Entered with a structure
Started creating something
Followed something intrinsically American: Freedom and Individuality
Free to select whatever word you wanted
Your selection and your paper were clearly your individual self
Tune into intrinsic American
Developed each paper with fee individual style
Papers aren’t intellectual
They’re action-oriented
They’re not philosophical
Developing a form of writing
Form is structure
You can take any form you want (American)
Your work is appreciated because it is your creation
You’re not representing something else
You’re representing something totally different
The concept of singularity is what you’re representing
We become the multitude
We all become singular

The movement of ideas in your paper, the trajectory/development is all happening in your subconscious
They’re manifestations of your psyche
Paper is a signature of your mind
You’ve made an imprint of your mind
Giving a prototype of how your mind works
They didn’t, but you did
You changed the way you think
Done by going into your inner self
The journey is inwards, not outwards
Only you can change the way you think

Layers of depth in your papers
And it looks like chaos
It is the outcome of a deliberate process
The process is the product
It’s your process that you’re selling
Selling your process
The process is in your 10+1 steps
Your ideas are all over the place and they’re compositions
Without clear focus points
It has sweeping statements
They embody and elicit emotions
You’re making statements which embody and elicit emotions
It’s a tangled mess of words bouncing around in every direction
It’s all good
Random fields of chaos and anyone can do it
The technique is simple
The paradox is that only you could’ve written that paper
Being global means, you want to configure your business in a way that the flow of money comes to you
Conceptualizing of your business undergoes a perceptual shift

Your privilege as a student is to deconstruct what the professor is saying and turn it into yours
Learning to take ownership
Can only take ownership when you deconstruct the other person
Nobody can write your paper
Nobody can reproduce what you’re doing
Tune into what you’re saying
Developing it in a professional way
Bottomline is that you’re deconstructing the words then adding your felt experience
ACTION LEARNING: Google Search this
Writing directly from your unconscious and revealing your hidden truths
That is where our differences lie

Yours is a signature technique
Your paper has a signature technique
You’re not looking for a hidden message
Letting the viewer determine their own message
You’re sharing your technique and inviting the viewer to do the same

Jackson Pollock: Google Search him
Abstract expressionist
Developed his own technique
He used the canvas on the floor and flung paint on it
Quintessentially American

Re: Class Notes

Posted: 19 Nov 2019, 13:11
by emilymilich
Class Notes 11/19

Four things to do
Dynamic Decision Making
Unique Innovative…
Finish before Thanksgiving
Will have a final for this class

Felt Experience is theorizing
Abstract is a universal statement
Felt experience is where you empower your text
Abstraction is a computer function
Felt experience is the first round
You need a personal experience
The second round is where you read it again
Look at the phrases you’ve written and ask yourself “how so?”

Everything has to be posted in the fishbowl
Only grading what is posted
Only As get letters of recommendation

Every letter is feedback to you
It clicks in different ways
Academic text is being disseminated to you
Henceforth you hopefully keep this in mind going forward
No one expects you to be geniuses in three months

Office hours are on Tuesdays from 12:15 - 2
Doing this for yourself

How so question is important
You can change the audience’s life
To come up with the anecdote you need to do deep thinking

Even though you’re students, don’t talk about another class
Don’t talk about a group assignment
Sports examples are okay, but no cliches
Again, how so? What is the moment that made the experience
Come up with the real anecdote
Doing deep thinking takes effort

Should be no stress with this class

The second abstract is not pleasing
Read the letters and respond to help with the abstract
Catching up with the responses is important
Looking at numbers, dates, and quality
Putting you into multiple boxes
You want to be in the first box

If the country and organization you belong to is rich, you’re showing up
These conferences aren’t made for us to show up
We want to get our name into the conference

Nobody is reading research anymore
It’s too frivolous
Is a statistical exercise
What you’re doing is current and cutting edge

The authors have to be picked
Those who don’t go to class or do the work don’t have their names on it
We are collaborating on this

Linda Smirchick
Made this type of thing to do hard
Men didn’t want to talk about their feelings in past generations
It is easier to do now
Now you’re not being told what to do or how to do it

This way of learning is important
Getting along in teams has become critical
Peter Senge: The Learning Organization*****
If the team is not getting along, it’s not going to happen
Effectiveness is reliant on the team getting along
The problem is we’re not getting along with each other
This makes us have to jump

The second abstract got accepted
You can’t tell which one they’re going to like
Most of the time both of them get accepted
The administration won’t pay for the conference
Resources are in competition between us and junior faculty
At the end of the day, the money was sent in

Resent having to pay for it
Will have to register as well to get the disk
May be worthwhile to spend the $500 to get the disk
Places on campus pay for undergraduate research
January 7th is when the paper is due
People with money have fantastic resumes

Be conscious of inequities
It’s always a fight for resources
Students have power in this
Be politicized for this

Read the letters as they come
The letters are for you
If you don’t read them, it’s like winking in the dark
Stay with these letters in the moment
Nobody cares at the end
They have a thread
Tie it up to the initial Ted Talk we watched
Link back how the fishbowl has to do with that

Know what’s expected of you
Know what’s at stake for you
You’ve got the algorithm (10 + 1)

In the process of knowledge building
Integrated Networking Systems in second abstract

Second Abstract
Constructing meaning and expressing ourselves….
Lots going on in this title
Engagement and expression for building meaningful knowledge content
That’s where the originality of the abstract comes in
Expressed ourselves in the public domain with our own text
We took engagement to mean conveying interaction with text outside the group
Adding value to the group
We engage within the group
Outside the group is a resource for learning
Use this information to make a positive impact inside the group
Promote each other’s self-worth
Wanna feel like you add value in order to be effective
Public display of symbols
Enactment of symbolic action
Adding value as a performance
How we define expressiveness
Engagement and expression************
Creating meaning
We are showing ourselves to ourselves

Re: Class Notes

Posted: 10 Dec 2019, 11:59
by emilymilich
4 Characteristics of Globalization
Speak for 60 seconds
Go through for your work
Pull out anecdotal parts from each
Pull out sentences from your experience that relate to each 4, but in the context of class with your groups
Not promoting the Fishbowl
You're promoting yourself
All three of you need to take this video separately
Then send it to Mike
If you don't like how it turns out, you don't have to be on it

Pull out paragraphs of your own text so it looks professional
Use professional language
Text should appear at the end
This is going to be the final

Listen to what the other students are saying to see similarities
The question is your experience in a global organization and how those 4 characteristics apply
This is your experience working globally

URI is emphasizing undergraduate research
The paper is the abstract
If it get accepted that's good
The full paper is when you attach your ten plus one
Your resume will have two entries
One will be the acceptance of the abstract
The other will be the journal publication
The Fishbowl has a natural femininity

The day of the exam is the 17th
The time is 2 o'clock
You have until then to catch up
The 10+1 needs to be done
You need to do all of the aspects of class
The vocab, the letters, the structures, Google Searches
By the 17th you need to be done
Any time until the 17th you need to take the selfie video

The final is basically talking about the four global phenomenon
Make it anecdotal
Tell an anecdote per one
Tell it in the context of the interaction of the Fishbowl
The interaction you had with each other in your group
Through that interaction you shared your story about the anecdote
Why anecdotal?
Because you've already written the structures out.
Sharing how you experienced it when you interacted with each other.
Knowing and knowledge through your experience
Pull out your structures to add to this
You are creating knowledge

The written option is three pages and is individual
You address the 4 global phenomenon
Look back at your experience and add value
Reflecting on DOING the four, not what it is
Should not be more than three pages
One way to do it is to write it out like this and then do the selfie

Choose one of the assignments
Suggested to write it out first and then do the selfie
You have to be happy and relaxed in it

You are talking about interacting in your group, but anecdotally for the selfie
Show your interaction through the anecdote
Say what it was that you shared with your group
Add a sentence structure with it to let the viewer decide

Example you talk about the friendship exercise
Be honest
Speak your truth and it doesn't matter
Say it carefully though
Working friendship is important
Think his all through carefully
Doing shouldn't take too long

The point is that when you do the 4 characteristics and speak the truth about it you get an A
Send the footage to Mike and he sends it to Sanjiv, but send it to Sanjiv too

There is time to change your grade

The date of the final is December 17th 2:00 pm
The written should not be posted within the hour of 2 o'clock if it's the writing

Learning to frame the rest of the text
Learning to enter with a syntax
Entering the unknown with a syntax
It's the thoughts within that circle
You're tweaking it and changing it as life progresses
To do this it does require solitude, no distractions, focus, and it's a practice
If you make this into a daily practice you will do very well
That's a guarantee
Do it just to do it
Exercising he mind
It centers around vocabulary
You can't take it for granted
Vocabulary is key

Next comes an image
Course being taught through images
Must get in touch with your images
When you take a word, it is going to bring up an image in your mind
You have to be sharing these images
You are all coming from different perspectives, so share them
Otherwise it won't take a real life of it's own
It's another habit and you're thinking along those lines

Go out and do all of this