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Post by emilymilich » 01 Dec 2019, 13:50

Letter: Making space
The idea that the things we write for each other in the fishbowl is really a reflection of what we are writing for ourselves based off our emotions is a concept that I like. If we didn’t add that emotional aspect, our writing would be a performance. It would be done to please the audience instead of getting to know them and sharing about ourselves and the way that we think.
An effective society in this digital realm cannot be created by solely working to please the reader. It is disingenuous to do this. With a façade, there is no perspective, experience, or true learning. There is space, but in the terminology that it’s space between you and the reader. The social space we are creating in the Fishbowl is only going to work with the building of that emotional connection based off how we choose to form our writing.

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Re: Letters

Post by emilymilich » 01 Dec 2019, 13:50

Letter: Re-Structuring Text
Knowledge is built by constantly thinking about your perceptions, and changing them. Value is created by this metamorphosis of thought. You have to be able to look critically at something that you may find perfect, and then think about how to take it a step further. Then take that a step further. When you incorporate the thoughts of others and yourself, you are able to create more valuable work. When reflecting deeply like this, it can’t be an independent process. It takes resources, opinions, and perceptions to create these valuable structures.

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Re: Letters

Post by emilymilich » 01 Dec 2019, 13:51

Letter: Sharing What We See When We Read
The idea of continual becoming intrigues me for the fact that it’s very obvious, yet not something that is often thought about. What we read and what we live through both have individual impacts that intersect at times. Certain experiences are able to conjure mental mages when we read specific words. It’s different for everyone. If a person were to say the word steam, I may think of a sauna, but my brother who plays video games may first think of the gaming platform he uses. That’s a really simple example of what I’m saying, but I think it gets my point across well. We all live different experiences and with those we have different versions of things in our heads.

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Re: Letters

Post by emilymilich » 01 Dec 2019, 13:51

Letter: Simulating a Society
The idea of the Fishbowl as a growing digital life form is interesting for the fact that you don’t really see it as a “life form” until you’re in it. To me, the Fishbowl just seemed like a platform. It’s there, you add to it, and you keep adding to it. It’s growth and personality that is given to it by users gives it that “life form” concept. This made me think about differentiating life forms v. platforms online, and I came to the conclusion that what makes the Fishbowl different from something like Instagram or Twitter, and gives it that life form status, is that genuine aspect to it. It’s a different type of sharing, where it is based and built off of thought, reaction, and perception. What you write is a true reflection of how your mind works. It isn’t strategic posting, it’s more raw.

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Re: Letters

Post by emilymilich » 01 Dec 2019, 13:51

Letter: Reading the Other’s Text
Reading as a commitment rather than a way to just get through the text is something that should be practiced. It allows you to actually explore the author’s thoughts, but also your own. It brings you back to reflect on the two ideas created by converging perceptions.

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Re: Letters

Post by emilymilich » 01 Dec 2019, 13:52

Letter: New Forms of Intimacy and Friendship
Intimacy is changing in all types of interpersonal relationships. It can’t be ignored as influences such as technology, cultural shifts, and many more outside factors have an impact. With friendship, intimacy is important. The ability to trust that other person. In the Fishbowl that ability to trust has to be built between the participants. Without it, the connection will be surface and artificial. Without that changing intimacy, there’s no way to create a society.

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Re: Letters

Post by emilymilich » 01 Dec 2019, 13:52

Letter: Theory of Assemblages
Social entity is something I have never really thought about myself of. It isn’t often first though that we are flowing with information, mostly because we don’t think in that context. Knowledge isn’t a conscious part of ourselves. Knowing so many small facts about random things are all parts of our social entity, and they diversify us. No matter how small the piece of knowledge is to us, it is something that many others wouldn’t know, for example, your mom’s favorite way of taking her coffee. IT doesn’t seem important or relevant to a large group, but it’s a bunch of small facts like that that makes our social entities irreplaceable.

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Re: Letters

Post by emilymilich » 01 Dec 2019, 13:52

Letter: Reassembling the Social
Reading this poem, it took a few rereads to really understand what was going on. At first it just seemed like a lot of words and fake deep. After looking it over, I feel confident in saying that it is about expanding thought. It is about thinking in new and differing ways than in traditional thought. I think it fits into the course because we are using our Fishbowls to break down the traditional ideas about thinking. We want to be immersed into “ever-widening thought and action.”

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Re: Letters

Post by emilymilich » 01 Dec 2019, 13:53

Letter: Why We Teach Each Other
In this letter, it was mainly just an article from The New York Times. This article was good at highlighting inequality issues in the education system, while also balancing the discussion of democracy. Relating education to democracy in terms of a unified set of beliefs, in university education, and education was a good way to talk about inequity within both. Inequality with democracy was an important part of this letter because it can be on the small scale of the classroom, or the larger scale of the government.

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Re: Letters

Post by emilymilich » 01 Dec 2019, 13:53

Letter: Meeting Once Again
Abstractions as the idea of keeping us connected is hard for me to grasp. I understand that their broadness allows the reader to insert themselves into the position of the author, and for the experience to be universal, but in my opinion, no experiences are truly “universal.” I think the abstract is a divider if anything. I think that in order for something to resonate deeply, it needs to have details that are telling of the actual experience, otherwise, are you even actually sharing the true experience? If there’s room for people to create their own version of the story you’re trying to tell through this method of abstraction, it could be dividing instead of uniting.

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Re: Letters

Post by emilymilich » 01 Dec 2019, 13:53

Letter: Learning is an Act of Courage
Re- as a mantra is what is taking our learning further. The ability to keep digging deeper is what allows us to discover more. Taking in new perspectives, changing our own, and then looking at it and saying, “okay, but what else is there?” is what makes learning courageous. It transcends goals and grades and forces exploration. By continuing to take things deeper, restructuring, redesigning, you’re taking a risk each time as you move farther and farther from conventional.

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Re: Letters

Post by emilymilich » 01 Dec 2019, 13:53

Letter: Soft Power
Being believed when you share information being a source of power is a concept I had never put together on my own. If you look at historical leaders, their power comes from making their stances their doctrines. I wouldn’t call it soft power though, since if you look at the track record of charismatic leaders (good and bad), the impact of their words was huge. Calling the ability to instill belief in someone soft power is minimizing of the lives enriched or lost based off of the changed belief system of those who internalized what they were told.

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