Google Searches
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- Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 19:21
Re: Google Searches
Hardt and Negri - Multitude
The idea that people remain individuals, but act on their common interests.
The idea that people remain individuals, but act on their common interests.
- Posts: 204
- Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 19:21
Re: Google Searches
Paulo Freire
A Brazilian philosopher, famous for his work of Pedagogy of the Oppressed.
A Brazilian philosopher, famous for his work of Pedagogy of the Oppressed.
- Posts: 204
- Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 19:21
Re: Google Searches
Investigative Journalism
Journalism where one topic is deeply investigated for months or years before publication.
Journalism where one topic is deeply investigated for months or years before publication.
- Posts: 204
- Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 19:21
Re: Google Searches
The thing that is the means to an end.
The thing that is the means to an end.
- Posts: 204
- Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 19:21
Re: Google Searches
Deleuze and Guattari- Assemblage Theory
Analyzes social complexity using multiple functionalities, fluidity, and exchangeability.
Analyzes social complexity using multiple functionalities, fluidity, and exchangeability.
- Posts: 204
- Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 19:21
Re: Google Searches
Management of Aesthetics of Storytelling
The way we explain why some stories have a greater effect than others. You want to have connectedness, abductive reasoning, and for it to be enjoyable.
The way we explain why some stories have a greater effect than others. You want to have connectedness, abductive reasoning, and for it to be enjoyable.
- Posts: 204
- Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 19:21
Re: Google Searches
Bruno Latour - Reassembling the Social
A reading on how we understand society. The social is used as a material and a phenomenon.
A reading on how we understand society. The social is used as a material and a phenomenon.
- Posts: 204
- Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 19:21
Re: Google Searches
Actor-Network Theory
Theoretical approach to social theory that states that whatever is in the social and natural world that exists have networks of relationships that constantly shift.
Theoretical approach to social theory that states that whatever is in the social and natural world that exists have networks of relationships that constantly shift.
- Posts: 204
- Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 19:21
Re: Google Searches
Brenda Laurel - "In the World of Immersion"
Brenda Laurels says that in this immersive world authorship translates from the sharing of experience to now being the building of felt-experiences.
Brenda Laurels says that in this immersive world authorship translates from the sharing of experience to now being the building of felt-experiences.
- Posts: 204
- Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 19:21
Re: Google Searches
Luce Irigaray
Philosopher that looked at the the way we misuse language in reference to women.
Philosopher that looked at the the way we misuse language in reference to women.
- Posts: 204
- Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 19:21
Re: Google Searches
Zygmunt Bauman - Liquid Modernity
Bauman says that we moved from hardware modernity that was solid, to one that was liquid. Globalness has become remote and we now can think of life as fluid.
Bauman says that we moved from hardware modernity that was solid, to one that was liquid. Globalness has become remote and we now can think of life as fluid.
- Posts: 204
- Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 19:21
Re: Google Searches
Action Learning: when small groups have the members collaborate together to solve problems. They take action and and learn together.