Virtual Reality and Reconstructing Text
“It is becoming harder to tell our own created illusions from reality” “Reality is being simulated and an environment indistinguishable from the real world”
“Selling the illusion of reality”
“Virtual reality is a portal into any world of creation” “You can put yourself in situations you never will be in and become fully immersed in therm”
“Both of your eyes see the world in different ways, this small difference makes all the difference”
“Learning becomes much easier and less stressful, the thought of failure is taken away”
“VR allows us to do things we can not do in reality”
“Previously unresolved problems are now being resolved and the usage is limitless”
“Tricking the brain into thinking it is participating in these situations means all details need to be accounted for”
“The brain is blinded by the sense of sight”
“Realities where we are the creators might lead to never looking back”
REFLECT:Something that reflects comes back to you. If you look in a mirror, you will see your reflected image. If you reflect on your past experiences, you look at them once again thoughtfully. Reflect also means to give evidence of the character or quality of something.
REPEAT: to say or state something again, to make appear again or to go through an experience again.
PHRASE: : a characteristic manner or style of expression, a brief expression.
SELECT: carefully choose as being the best or most suitable.
Reconstructing text
RE-STRUCTURE: : to change the makeup, organization, or pattern of or reconstruct something.
CREATE: : to bring into existence, to produce or bring about by a course of action or behavior.
VALUE: the monetary worth of something and a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged.
SHARE: to partake of, use, experience, occupy, or enjoy with others and to have in common.
PROCESS: something going on and a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result.
PRACTICE: to do or perform often, customarily, or habitually, to be professionally engaged in and to perform or work at repeatedly so as to become proficient.
REFLECTION: the act of reflecting, as in casting back a light or heat, mirroring, or giving back or showing an image; the state of being reflected in this way.
SOLITUDE: the state of being or living alone; seclusion, remoteness from habitations, as of a place; absence of human activity and a lonely, unfrequented place.
LEARNING: knowledge acquired by systematic study in any field of scholarly application and the act or process of acquiring knowledge or skill.
Individual Assignments
Social Meeting
Emily and I met for coffee and bagels in the morning for our social meeting. We had spoken one time briefly in class prior to our meeting. The conversation had a natural flow and I got to learn more about Emily throughout the meeting. We had to move four different times because we kept getting attacked by bees through the meeting. We spoke about school, life and what we wanted to achieve in the future. Emily made it easy for me to talk about myself, which I do not do very often on a personal level and it was a pleasurable conversation. I got the impression from the meeting that Emily is kind, open minded and forceful. She is also a woman of many difficult words, which made it interesting for me to talk to her in the matter of expanding my own vocabulary. Personally English is not my first language and it is always nice to get educated through casual conversation.
Emily also told me about her major and why she choose it, this gave me the impression that Emily puts a lot of thought into her decisions, where as I tend to make decisions rapidly and not always think things through as much. It is always nice to be around people who open your eyes and make you think about life and decisions in a different way than you do. I used to be extremely close minded and think that I did everything right and that everyone else was doing things in an odd manner, but I have come to understand that if you choose to open your eyes and be acceptive of other peoples perspectives you can learn a whole lot. The social meeting with Emily was overall truly pleasurable and I am glad I had the chance to sit down and talk to Emily outside of the classroom setting.
Overall our social meeting was in my personal opinion a success and I look forward to keep learning from Emily through this class. Perhaps my vocabulary will advance to a new level from interacting with Emily and I hope I can teach some things to Emily too, besides vocabulary.
It is important to talk to your class mates and start building your network pool of people now, you never know when or who you will be working with in the future, so having an open mind and being accepting to the fact that people are different and have certain opinions based on their background or up bringing is important.
Openness is defined as a lack of restriction and being accessible, I choose to believe I have come to a point in my life where I hold these qualities, but one can always improve their behavior and actions. One thing that is difficult for me to change, as briefly mentioned, I jump to conclusions a lot and this can both benefit me in the matter of thinking on my feet, but also hurt me in the long run when I do not think situations all the way through.
I am excited to keep learning and advancing both my own writing, vocabulary and openness through this semester and going into the future.
Emily also told me about her major and why she choose it, this gave me the impression that Emily puts a lot of thought into her decisions, where as I tend to make decisions rapidly and not always think things through as much. It is always nice to be around people who open your eyes and make you think about life and decisions in a different way than you do. I used to be extremely close minded and think that I did everything right and that everyone else was doing things in an odd manner, but I have come to understand that if you choose to open your eyes and be acceptive of other peoples perspectives you can learn a whole lot. The social meeting with Emily was overall truly pleasurable and I am glad I had the chance to sit down and talk to Emily outside of the classroom setting.
Overall our social meeting was in my personal opinion a success and I look forward to keep learning from Emily through this class. Perhaps my vocabulary will advance to a new level from interacting with Emily and I hope I can teach some things to Emily too, besides vocabulary.
It is important to talk to your class mates and start building your network pool of people now, you never know when or who you will be working with in the future, so having an open mind and being accepting to the fact that people are different and have certain opinions based on their background or up bringing is important.
Openness is defined as a lack of restriction and being accessible, I choose to believe I have come to a point in my life where I hold these qualities, but one can always improve their behavior and actions. One thing that is difficult for me to change, as briefly mentioned, I jump to conclusions a lot and this can both benefit me in the matter of thinking on my feet, but also hurt me in the long run when I do not think situations all the way through.
I am excited to keep learning and advancing both my own writing, vocabulary and openness through this semester and going into the future.
Re: Individual Assignments
1. Structure
Entering the unknown with a given structure
We are creating a society in the fishbowl between the members and participants. The definition of a society is “the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community”. We are sharing words and text, thoughts and felt experiences. Through this we are able to connect with each other and further advance our own knowledge and vocabulary.
2. Gathering Words
Word pool
Going to the dictionary (the bigger the better)
Writing words down carefully - the more you write down the greater the possibilities
Be contextual and relevant
Doing gathering at this point
Together- with or in proximity to another person or people.
Connected- brought together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established.
Words-a word is a letter or group of letters that has meaning when spoken or written.
Text- a book or other written or printed work, regarded in terms of its content rather than its physical form.
Felt experiences-Three kinds of felt experience are distinguished: emotion and evaluation, which are classed as affect, and intuition, which is the compulsive sense of a non-propositional 'meaning'
Knowledge- facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.
Advance- move forward in a purposeful way.
Images- a representation of the external form of a person or thing in art.
Therapy- treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder.
Escape- break free from confinement or control.
3. Re-Structure
Rewriting sentences and substituting/simplifying words
Make it as simple as you can
Want to be using all three concepts
Take these words further so there's no stopping you
Not about meaning,it's about the substitution
By reconstructing text we can gather a deeper understanding and meaning behind the words. At first glance you might gather an opinion and a basic understanding, but by reconstructing and taking a deeper look and analysis of the text, first then can we truly understand the meaning behind the words and text. Reading is a wonderful thing and one can escape and use this as therapy to relax. Text reconstruction can be described as: Text reconstruction can also be known as retelling, which is putting the text into your own words. To do this, read a paragraph at a time and come up with your own sentence to express the main idea of that paragraph. Text reconstruction can also involve putting sentences or paragraphs back in the proper order. The idea behind text reconstruction relates to: Text reconstruction is a teaching technique that teachers use to help students look closely at text versus a student learning strategy that students can use when reading independently. The text should support the features of language you are highlighting within the text type.
4. Felt-Experience
Now in first person "I" comes into this
Your felt experience is your story
Describing an incident, explaining it, it's coming from your memory
You experience t
Need to match it to 3 (3 and 4 must fit together)
We are becoming a workless society so you need to bring your experience
Takes thinking, interpreting, imagining, and visualizing
Grounds you in reality
Learning to be the teller not the told
Everyone has felt experiences, many of them every day. It is important to sit down in peace and take it all in. What did you do today, who did you speak with and how did this make you feel. Did you learn something, did you advance in any way and how can you take this further and keep learning and growing in a community. There is something called the language of felt experiences and it relates to: The problem analysed is how the phenomenology of feelings is linguistically expressed as opposed to simply reported. Three kinds of felt experience are distinguished: emotion and evaluation, which are classed as affect, and intuition, which is the compulsive sense of a non-propositional ‘meaning’. It is argued that these are extra-linguistic semiotic or cognitive systems. Emotions are construals of bodily arousal; evaluations are construals of experiences on scales from positive to negative; and intuitions are construals of properties of language itself. These are said to be sociohistorical. Higher level discourse and lexical resources for expressing affect are presented. Then, drawing from Halliday, Labov, Martin and Lemke, it is suggested that felt experiences are expressed iconically, but either concretely or abstractly. The iconicity is on the dimensions of intensity and prosody, and also intertwines different types of experience. Any linguistic feature that can express this iconicity can be deployed; for example, gradability. Five classes of linguistic realization are discussed. These are exemplified through the analysis of a passage of religious writing, Julian of Norwich’s Showings. The importance of analysing texts as linguistic expressions of complex felt experiences is suggested.
5. Now you're starting interaction
Work with your group the 3 people
You work for the other people in your group
Give one word to the groupmates work
Reduce it t one word and you will give yourself one word
Reductionist technique to one symbol
You don't want to be told what to think
You'll ideally have 9 words
My group members are posting in this section responding to my word pool selection.
6. Step 6 is also done interactively
Forming a dichotomy out of 9 words
Make them as unrelated as possible (look at opposites)
Do not use adjectives
Each person throws in their pairings and you develop it
Here I will respond to the words and dichotomy that we created togheter.
7. Structure creation
Doing this JOINTLY
Bring both your separate structures and edit it
INFLECTION point- your ideas are changing
Contingent on the dichotomy you created
Here I will take both of our postings and connect them into one.
8. Felt-experience
On your own again
Will have tree felt-experiences
Our felt experiences relate to people, text, images and experiences. Through this assignment I was able to learn more about how important it is to take in what we feel and embrace it. I am now excited to create new text and images with my group.
Entering the unknown with a given structure
We are creating a society in the fishbowl between the members and participants. The definition of a society is “the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community”. We are sharing words and text, thoughts and felt experiences. Through this we are able to connect with each other and further advance our own knowledge and vocabulary.
2. Gathering Words
Word pool
Going to the dictionary (the bigger the better)
Writing words down carefully - the more you write down the greater the possibilities
Be contextual and relevant
Doing gathering at this point
Together- with or in proximity to another person or people.
Connected- brought together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established.
Words-a word is a letter or group of letters that has meaning when spoken or written.
Text- a book or other written or printed work, regarded in terms of its content rather than its physical form.
Felt experiences-Three kinds of felt experience are distinguished: emotion and evaluation, which are classed as affect, and intuition, which is the compulsive sense of a non-propositional 'meaning'
Knowledge- facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.
Advance- move forward in a purposeful way.
Images- a representation of the external form of a person or thing in art.
Therapy- treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder.
Escape- break free from confinement or control.
3. Re-Structure
Rewriting sentences and substituting/simplifying words
Make it as simple as you can
Want to be using all three concepts
Take these words further so there's no stopping you
Not about meaning,it's about the substitution
By reconstructing text we can gather a deeper understanding and meaning behind the words. At first glance you might gather an opinion and a basic understanding, but by reconstructing and taking a deeper look and analysis of the text, first then can we truly understand the meaning behind the words and text. Reading is a wonderful thing and one can escape and use this as therapy to relax. Text reconstruction can be described as: Text reconstruction can also be known as retelling, which is putting the text into your own words. To do this, read a paragraph at a time and come up with your own sentence to express the main idea of that paragraph. Text reconstruction can also involve putting sentences or paragraphs back in the proper order. The idea behind text reconstruction relates to: Text reconstruction is a teaching technique that teachers use to help students look closely at text versus a student learning strategy that students can use when reading independently. The text should support the features of language you are highlighting within the text type.
4. Felt-Experience
Now in first person "I" comes into this
Your felt experience is your story
Describing an incident, explaining it, it's coming from your memory
You experience t
Need to match it to 3 (3 and 4 must fit together)
We are becoming a workless society so you need to bring your experience
Takes thinking, interpreting, imagining, and visualizing
Grounds you in reality
Learning to be the teller not the told
Everyone has felt experiences, many of them every day. It is important to sit down in peace and take it all in. What did you do today, who did you speak with and how did this make you feel. Did you learn something, did you advance in any way and how can you take this further and keep learning and growing in a community. There is something called the language of felt experiences and it relates to: The problem analysed is how the phenomenology of feelings is linguistically expressed as opposed to simply reported. Three kinds of felt experience are distinguished: emotion and evaluation, which are classed as affect, and intuition, which is the compulsive sense of a non-propositional ‘meaning’. It is argued that these are extra-linguistic semiotic or cognitive systems. Emotions are construals of bodily arousal; evaluations are construals of experiences on scales from positive to negative; and intuitions are construals of properties of language itself. These are said to be sociohistorical. Higher level discourse and lexical resources for expressing affect are presented. Then, drawing from Halliday, Labov, Martin and Lemke, it is suggested that felt experiences are expressed iconically, but either concretely or abstractly. The iconicity is on the dimensions of intensity and prosody, and also intertwines different types of experience. Any linguistic feature that can express this iconicity can be deployed; for example, gradability. Five classes of linguistic realization are discussed. These are exemplified through the analysis of a passage of religious writing, Julian of Norwich’s Showings. The importance of analysing texts as linguistic expressions of complex felt experiences is suggested.
5. Now you're starting interaction
Work with your group the 3 people
You work for the other people in your group
Give one word to the groupmates work
Reduce it t one word and you will give yourself one word
Reductionist technique to one symbol
You don't want to be told what to think
You'll ideally have 9 words
My group members are posting in this section responding to my word pool selection.
6. Step 6 is also done interactively
Forming a dichotomy out of 9 words
Make them as unrelated as possible (look at opposites)
Do not use adjectives
Each person throws in their pairings and you develop it
Here I will respond to the words and dichotomy that we created togheter.
7. Structure creation
Doing this JOINTLY
Bring both your separate structures and edit it
INFLECTION point- your ideas are changing
Contingent on the dichotomy you created
Here I will take both of our postings and connect them into one.
8. Felt-experience
On your own again
Will have tree felt-experiences
Our felt experiences relate to people, text, images and experiences. Through this assignment I was able to learn more about how important it is to take in what we feel and embrace it. I am now excited to create new text and images with my group.
- Posts: 204
- Joined: 09 Sep 2019, 19:21
Re: Individual Assignments
Complex Adaptive Systems: